View Full Version : Speedy Load in XDCAM Transfer

Tony LeHoven
January 31st, 2009, 01:07 PM
Hi All,

Does your first folder in XDCAM Transfer have a lot of clips in it and you have to watch it load the same 157 clips?

I've enclosed a BPAV folder with nothing in it. It's labeled to pop up as your first folder when you load it in to XDCAM thus sparing you the agony of the wait.

Simply unzip the file and load it in to XDCAM transfer. Yay!


Craig Seeman
January 31st, 2009, 01:32 PM
XDCAM Transfer opens immediately for me. It doesn't load anything unless I add folders. When I'm done I remove folders from XDCAM Transfer so it isn't looking for it the next time I open it.

Tony LeHoven
January 31st, 2009, 02:58 PM
Well the point is that now you can leave stuff in XDCAM Transfer and take the full benefits of its search capabilities, in & out points and instant thumbnail access.
