View Full Version : Audio "ticking" Panasonic AG-DVC15

Robert McDonald
September 8th, 2003, 08:33 PM
Whilst testing my new Panasonic AGDVC15 camera, I discovered a mild background hum with a "fit-fit-fit" superimposed. This can be seen as corresponding to the seconds timer in the view finder. I contacted Panasonic, and the camera was sent to an Industrial repair station.
They could not replicate the problem, and promptly sent the unit back to me.
And I promptly sent it back to them, that the problem had existed and was still there.
Finally, I have been vindicated. Not only does MY DVC15 have the problem, but two other units, AND a DVC10 all have the problem.
Somehow, the clocking mechanism for Date Time generator is leaking into the audio circuits, and the hum "fit-fit-fit" IS, in fact, recorded on the tape, and audible during silences.
My Panasonic Field Engineer has witnessed this behaviour, on my camera plus the others I mentioned, and as of today (9/8/03) contacted Japan for assistance.
Has anyone else experienced this, and affected a fix?

Frank Granovski
September 8th, 2003, 10:50 PM
You should push Pana hard on this one. Even get a refund if they can't fix it. (Pana ain't very good at fixing some of their cams from my experience.) Good luck.

Joe Garnero
September 9th, 2003, 07:15 AM
Why is this post in the XL1 forum?

Anyway, the problem may be the tape itself. I had a problem tape that clicked in my pv953 but was ok in the gl2. Ironically it was a pana tape!

Did you try a different tape in your camera?

Robert McDonald
September 9th, 2003, 08:26 AM
The behaviour has NOTHING to do with tape. There needs to be no tape in the camera.

Robert McDonald
September 22nd, 2003, 09:35 PM
Well, Wonder of wonders! I have be validated. Japan contacted the Field Engineer in Seattle, that the AGDVC-15 DOES HAVE A LEAK between the clocking mechanism and audio circuits. AND, have proposed a fix. So tomorrow morning (9/23) the camera takes yet another UPS truck ride up I-5. Apparently there are 15 steps involved in fixing this problem.
I shall keep the group posted - and those of you who own AGDVC-15's should double check, to make sure your camera is okay. As I stated, 2 other DVC-15's PLUS a DVC-10 ALL have the bug.

Frank Granovski
September 22nd, 2003, 10:03 PM
I hope this is finally the happy ending to this horror story. Let's hope there are no other surprises! :)

I never did like 'ol puffed plastic. But then again, it's the cheapest 3-chip XLR'd cam out there. :rolleyes.gif:

Robert McDonald
October 7th, 2003, 01:12 PM
Got the "ticking" AG-DVC15 back last week, and the audio "ticking" is fixed.
Based on recommendations from Panasonic Japan, our repair station went in and removed several grounding jumpers, which created the leak between the clocking mechanism and audio circuits.
It is a design flaw with the DVC15 - and I strongly urge all owners to check for this flaw (see original posting). And according to my Broadcast Rep, it has turned up in a DVC-10, as well.