View Full Version : Sequence on timeline and the footage within it

Brian Parker
January 28th, 2009, 08:30 PM
In AE, when you have comps within comps, it's possible to click on a frame, and then when you open a comp from the timeline you are taken to the same point of time. This allows you to set in/out points on footage using the master comp as a reference.

Is there any way to do this in PPro (CS3 or CS4)? It seems that a sequence on the timeline is a completely unique footage item. Markers, changes of in/out points etc applied to a sequence on a timeline have no influence at all on the timeline inside that sequence. Am I right?

Brian Parker
January 29th, 2009, 02:05 AM
I found it in the livedoc:
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 * Nest sequences (

Press Shift+T to open the source sequence in the Timeline panel, with the current‑time indicator at the frame you specified in the nested sequence.