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Vincent Oliver
January 28th, 2009, 10:07 AM
Just thought I would let you all know that my brand new Sony EX3 took a nose dive off my tripod and smashed upon impact with the floor. The lens has snapped appart into two pieces, I am not sure if the body mount has also become distorted, in which case the camera will be a write off. The bad news is that my insurance will not cover the camera as I didn't register it with them. I guess Christmas and other distractions got in the way of my usual business activities.

What on earth do I do with a DM shoulder brace, Kata 197 bag and several memory cards. I can't afford to replace the camera at this stage.

Chris Hurd
January 28th, 2009, 10:46 AM
Very sorry about this, Vincent... and I hate to be morbid, but... photos?

In the US, homeowners insurance *might* cover it if it's been declared on the policy. Unfamiliar with how these things work in the UK though.

Ian Planchon
January 28th, 2009, 11:06 AM
man, I am really sorry! I know the feeling. I dont even know what your options could be, this is a really tough situation. but if the body still works maybe you can find a decent lens to throw on there to keep ya going.

good luck.

Vincent Oliver
January 28th, 2009, 11:39 AM
Very sorry about this, Vincent... and I hate to be morbid, but... photos?

In the US, homeowners insurance *might* cover it if it's been declared on the policy. Unfamiliar with how these things work in the UK though.

Thanks Chris, I am trying the homewoners route, I will post a picture later - just as soon as I have dried my eyes. My 8 year old daughter emptied her piggy bank and offered me the contents. It's just a bad day.

Dana Kupper
January 28th, 2009, 12:02 PM
Oh! I can only tell you what I try to tell myself in those situations, "It's just a machine, thankfully no one got hurt."
It brings little comfort, however. I'm sorry.

Bill Ravens
January 28th, 2009, 12:08 PM
wow! that's the second EX3 in as many weeks, that I know about. Must be an omen.
Just remember that the lens elements are just sand.

Vincent Oliver
January 28th, 2009, 12:08 PM
Thanks Dana,

I nearlyt landed one on my assistant though, someone didn't tighten up the tripod legs - not pointing the finger at anyone, but I have never dropped anything or broken any equipment in the last 30 years.

Anyway, as you say no one was hurt and it is only a machine. I was in the middle of a big project which needs to be completed before the end of February. I will start again from scratch and use my Canon XH A1 - unfortunately this is a PAL format camera so I can't mix the footage from the Sony as I shot all the material in NTSC (for US market).

For those with an interest, here is a quick shot of the camera

ex3 (

Vincent Oliver
January 28th, 2009, 12:12 PM
Just remember that the lens elements are just sand.

Dust to dust etc.

I wil have the camera body looked at, hopefull there may not be any distortion on the lens mount, but I am not holding out much hope.

A replacement lens will cost £1012.00 ($1448)

Scott Hayes
January 28th, 2009, 12:20 PM
i would fight with your insurance company.

Denis OKeefe
January 28th, 2009, 12:23 PM
Any chance the camera is covered by a credit card? Large purchases made on the Amex card are covered for a period of time, although I'm not sure how long. Any port in a storm, it may be worth checking out if it was a CC purchase.

Vincent Oliver
January 28th, 2009, 01:21 PM
Thank you Denis,

Someone else has just pointed this out to me, I will check with BarclayCard to see if this is covered.

All the years I have paid out on camnera insurance without a single claim, and I let this one slip through the net. We learn the hard way.

Ola Christoffersson
January 28th, 2009, 01:46 PM
man, I am really sorry! I know the feeling. I dont even know what your options could be, this is a really tough situation. but if the body still works maybe you can find a decent lens to throw on there to keep ya going.

good luck.

I don't know how much a new EX3 lense would be but I was surprised to hear that the complete EX1 lense including zoom handle is only about $1000 as a spare part.

Jay Gladwell
January 28th, 2009, 02:20 PM
Vincent, you have my deepest, most sincere sympathies on your recent loss.

My stomach flipped just reading abobut it!

Noel Lising
January 28th, 2009, 03:28 PM
I know how you feel Vincent in my 20 years, here's my catastrophe list if this makes you feel any better.

1. AG-456 nose dive
2. PVM Monitor stolen
3. PD150 stolen

After the AG-456 Nose Dive, I never leave my camera on a tripod, it goes where I go.

Simon Duncan
January 28th, 2009, 03:29 PM
I dropped my EX1 a few months back and sent it to Sony here in France hoping my 2 year prime support would cover it but alas no go.

Since it was dropped I have to fork out some 1385.00 Euros for a new lens and cover rear handle.

Although it was all my fault I am not a very happy camper.

Andy Wilkinson
January 28th, 2009, 03:39 PM

I just arrived home tonight from a big corporate shoot in Dublin (with my EX3) to read this.

This really is my worst nightmare / something I'm sure we all worry might happen one day (but hope never will). It makes me feel that the £365 I spent on specialist camera insurance for my EX3 (and MBP) a few months ago (a combined value then at £8,500) was worthwhile. Basically a quid a day for some peace of mind should I ever be as unlucky as you.

I hope you get over this Vincent and get back up and running soon. Good luck mate!

Steve Shovlar
January 28th, 2009, 03:44 PM
Thanks Chris, I am trying the homewoners route, I will post a picture later - just as soon as I have dried my eyes. My 8 year old daughter emptied her piggy bank and offered me the contents. It's just a bad day.

What a disaster. I am covered on my home insurance. If you have home insurance I should imagine you have a good chance.

Seriously Vincent hope you can get it sorted.

Vincent Oliver
January 28th, 2009, 06:28 PM
Thank you all for your support and sympathy. There is an outside chance that my household insurance may cover this, but as I am a professional photographer it may come under business use, the insurance company are getting back to me - which no doubt means they are looking for the "get out" clause.

I am not in a position to purchase a new camera at this moment, as all the bills come flooding in, in January. But I will be back with a new EX4 later in the year.

In the mean time I am going to have my Canon XH A1 converted to also shoot in NTSC, at least I will be able to complete the DVD project.

My bottom line on this is, anyone who is using a Manfrotto 525 tripod, make sure you tighten the leg screws with the supplied Allun Key, and as Noel said "never leave a camera on a tripod"

What a day it has been.

Daniel Goyette
January 28th, 2009, 06:30 PM
Inside your home accident is covered by your home insurance , outside your home and to cover all type of accidents a specific insurance is requested in witch your camcorder and all accessories must be listed.

Car insurance like home insurance may cover this type of accident but limit de $$$ covered.

Credit card may have you covered if you are lucky.

Only specific insurance for your camcorder cover this , my insurance cover this type of accident and it his a commercial insurance.

Good luck.

David Issko
January 28th, 2009, 11:54 PM
Hi Vincent,

Just read your thread and may I add to the list of condolences concerning the camera, not that was the end of the world for you but because of the disruption to your business income. I was more upset for you about the job you are part way through and all the trouble you have to go to now to ensure consistency.

At least you are sorting it out.

Seriously, if we lived in the same city, I would have offered you one of my HD cameras to help you out.

Hope you can sort out your job first and then your camera (insurance).

Best wishes

Vincent Oliver
January 29th, 2009, 01:34 AM
Thank you David, the thought is much appreciated.

Today I feeling very positive about things. I had a good look at the camera (at 2.00 am) and the body does seem to be OK. The lens will be a write off but I can purchase a new one for £1000 - this will be a cheaper option than hiring a camera for two weeks (£1104). Despite my dissapointment yesterday, the footage looks absolutely stunning I am well pleased.

I will bounce back today - life goes on.

Brian Luce
January 29th, 2009, 02:18 AM
What the heck, turn lemons into lemonade, get a lens upgrade while you're at it.

Vincent Oliver
January 29th, 2009, 02:39 AM
I am not aware of any lens upgrades, do you know something that I don't?

Bob Grant
January 29th, 2009, 06:57 AM
sorry to hear about this. Walking away from my EX1 while it's on a tripod give me the willies, moreso when I've got cables running off it around an auditorium full of careless people. So far we've had one Z1 take a similar fall when a dog ran into a tripod and another one when the car it was resting on drove off. So not that it's any help but you're not alone.
The good news is that you have an EX3 and this shouldn't cost too much to fix. With the EX1 it's a lot of labor to replace the lens I'm told. I'd try to get some idea of cost before you spend money on the Canon, that also could be expensive.
We have looked at better lenses for our EX3s but they are more expensive than the camera and then some.

Bob Hart
January 29th, 2009, 07:59 AM

Don't throw the lens out. If the front glass element itself is not broken or chipped, despite all the entrails hanging out, provided you have all the entrails, every little bit, I reckon it might be fixable good enough to be a backup manual spare.

My imagining is that if the lens has broken, it has possibly taken the hit sacrificially and the rest of the camera might remain okay. The lens is pretty much the heaviest part in memory cameras.

Just the thought of my camera heading for the ground makes my nether orifice clamp shut.

If you intend to throw the lens out, send it here. I would be interested in studying it.

Finally and most of all, I entirely sympathise with you. I had a camera fall out of the mount when I thought the plate was correctly located in the channel and fumbled the desperate grab. I put my foot out and managed to convert the fall into a soccer roll onto the grass.

Another day, I had a 81EF filter fall out and tumble almost in slow-motion for the concrete. I did not get my foot under it in time.

Kevin Wayne Jones
January 29th, 2009, 08:09 AM
I experienced a similar nose dive with my EX-1 awhile back.
I was at a commercial shoot with a room full of talent (and the client).
Was sliding my camera into the locking channel of my tripod head while in discussion with the group. Did not notice the wonkyness when locking it down. My EX-1 went flying 6 feet onto a ceramic tile covered cement slab floor. Landed right on the lens cap and bounced twice. Picked it up expecting the worst and found not a scratch. Works perfectly to this day.

Kevin Jones

John Peterson
January 29th, 2009, 08:53 AM

I just spotted this thread. When I read it I tried to put myself in your place and my heart dropped out. The vast majority of us aren't getting wealthy overnight in this business and saving up for cameras like these can often require mental (and even spousal) justification for the cash outlay that might go for something else "more important". What happened to you is simply awful and I am really sorry.



Ted OMalley
January 29th, 2009, 09:57 AM
This is why we should all throw in the towel and change our occupation to typist or painter or something where the tools aren't so friggin' expensive! You guys, first! ;-)

Sorry to hear about this. Really, though, if the body is still okay (I always hope for the best), the mistake, while costly, can be rectified without it being a complete loss.

Consider, its not just a camera, but a camera system that you've invested in with a bag, accessories, etc. A $1000 hit is no fun, but it just means no beer for a month.

Hope it all works out for you.

Jay Gladwell
January 29th, 2009, 10:04 AM
A $1000 hit is no fun, but it just means no beer for a month.

Dang, Ted, that's a lotta beer!

If you were to give up beer, think of all the "toys" you could buy!

Ted OMalley
January 29th, 2009, 10:13 AM
Dang, Ted, that's a lotta beer!

If you were to give up beer, think of all the "toys" you could buy!

Okay, perhaps it's an exaggeration and more than beer, but it's easy to go out with the wife and find we've spent $80 in drinks. If you do that once a week, plus maybe have a bottle of wine or two at home during the week, It's an easy $100! So, maybe it'd take three months of cutting it out.

Nah, never mind, there has to be other things to cut.

This really is a sad story, and I'm surprised that I'm having such a hard time shaking the enormity of it. Rather oppressive feeling - plus that sick in the pit of your stomach feeling.

The benefit of these stories, and I'm very sorry that it comes at Vincent's expense, it the harsh reminder we all get about how a trivial and innocent mistake can really cost us. The next time I stick my camera on my tripod, be assured, I'll take an extra moment to be sure I've not made a small but tragic mistake.

Alister Chapman
January 29th, 2009, 11:56 AM
You can pick up the Fujinon KY19x6.7 (think that's the correct number) for a lot less than £1000. I've seen them advertised for less than £400. While it's not an HD lens it isn't too bad and will give acceptable results. Combined with the EX3 it will outperform the majority of small HD cameras.

Sorry to hear about you problem. I had a Digibeta do the same with similar results many years ago.

Shaun Roemich
January 29th, 2009, 12:12 PM
Good luck with this, Vincent and you are ABSOLUTELY correct that the Manfrotto legs should be snugged up routinely when using heavier cameras. I had no issues with mine when I was using my old Sony PD150, but as soon as I mounted my JVC GY-HD200, I noticed leg creep. Thankfully I was standing right there and rescued the camera and made the adjustment.

Brooks Graham
January 29th, 2009, 12:23 PM
First: Vincent. OMG. Ouch. Dude. Sorry. Seriously.

Several people here have mentioned independent camera insurance and although I've managed to skate by these years without incident, I'm now becoming convinced that it might be a good time to look into it. My work volume is increasing and so it follows that my risk exposure is increasing as well.

For us independents, it sounds like the options boil down to: a) Homeowner's/Renter's (prolly need itemized rider?), b) generic business insurance (itemized again?), or c) specialized 3rd-party equipment insurance.

I'd bet that these insurance markets are country-specific, so can anyone in the States point me to what options are available? Any recommendations? Any anti-recommendations? Any actual experiences with claims?

Vincent Oliver
January 29th, 2009, 12:23 PM
Thank you all for your heartfelt messages. Today is a new day, I shot a job with my Canon XH A1 and can honestly say I love the EX3 even more. This morning I gritted my teeth and ordered a new lens £1030 (including delivery) and it should be with me on Wednesday 4th Feb. I will work all the hours on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and hope to finish off the DVD project the following week.

I hope my story has made some users stop and take an extra few minutes to ensure their equipment is secure, in more ways than the obvious. Fortunately, I did pick up an extra job today which by coincidence will cover the lens cost, I look at it as one day’s work to replace a bit of kit - I enjoy my job, so it's not work really, it's just great fun with a few hiccups en-route.

I appreciate all the feedback on this forum, many thanks

Yours very sincerely

Vincent Oliver
Digital Photography at photo-i (

Khang Mai
January 29th, 2009, 12:28 PM
Does the camera still turn on? From the looks of it, I bet you only need to replace the lens. And since you already have still lens, why not convert the whole system with those new Letus adapters? If that's too expensive, I'm sure you can find a 2/3'' lens for a a couple of grand. Here's one on ebay:

New Fujinon A19x8.7BRM 19X 2/3" Lens Works w/ HD Camera - eBay (item 260350208128 end time Jan-30-09 21:48:04 PST) (

Alister Chapman
January 29th, 2009, 12:30 PM
I have a Solo Policy from Allen Chapman and James (no relation) and it covers me up to £26,000 all risks, new for old and I don't have to list my equipment. It's a policy designed for the TV industry and when I did have to make a claim a few years back they were prompt and courteous. Its £900 per year with a £500 excess but well worth it.

Vincent Oliver
January 29th, 2009, 12:38 PM
I am looking into a more comprehensive insurance policy, one with an increase in public liability coverage. I used to have a very good one when I worked as a stills photographer in the TV industry (up £5,000,000 coverage). My equipment insurance needed to be updated and I let this slip through complacency (I have never made a claim).

The EX3 body seems to be OK, not even a scratch or scuff, just the damaged lens. I guess I could try the repair route, but I don't think I would ever have 100% confidence in it. Hence, I have purchased the new lens.

Paul Inglis
January 29th, 2009, 04:35 PM
Hi Vincent,

Sorry to hear your woes! Glad you’re optimistic though! If the actual body is ok then you could deem it as a narrow escape (hence only having to replace the lens). Insurance – love ‘em or hate ‘em! Unlike others here I ditched insurance years ago when I never got paid on a valid claim and ever since I ask for a quote from four companies every year – take the mean and put what the premium would have cost me in the bank every month! Touch wood never needed it yet but it’s there (all twelve years of it) if I need it (plus it was earning me interest until this so called credit crunch!!!). As for public liability well that doesn’t cost much in the scheme of things (not forgetting the legal requirement of course!).

All the best,


Steve Shovlar
January 29th, 2009, 05:25 PM
Vincent, my household insurance is with Norwich union Tapestry, and my camera is completely covered for any disaster, whether I am stupid enough to leave it unattended in the car and it gets nicked, through to having buter fingers and dropping in on the pavement.

In fact the coverage is excellent with only £100 excess and coverage of a single item up to £15,000. And that includes business use. OK my household is £1300 a year because of a taste for 17th C Oak furniture and a few expensive paintings, but its good to know I am secure. I called them up this morning to double check after reading this thread. Might be something worth considering.

Vincent Oliver
January 30th, 2009, 01:40 AM
Paul, I know over the years I have spent a small fortune on insurance, probably could have purchased the camera two or three times over with the amount spent and have never made a single claim. I am with the Prudential and they are reviewing the case at the moment, keep fingers crossed. I will seek out a more comprhensive policy with another company and review my public liability cover, I know this is far too low. I would hate someone to trip over my tripod and then sue me.

Whilst on insurance topics, has anyone got a liability cover that protects them against loss of work. i.e. if the days shoot gets corrupted and lost. This could be important if you have spent out on location and model hire. Perhaps this was more important in shooting film and tape days when there was more to go wrong, but now in a tapeless workflow I wonder how we stand.

Steve, thanks for your advice, I will look at the Norwich Union options as I have a pension fund with them too.

Steve Shovlar
January 30th, 2009, 09:20 AM
Vincent, I got my public liability this morning. As a sole trader videographer, with no previous claims, £2 million coverage, cost me only £107 for the year with Axa. No one else could get near that price.


Alister Chapman
January 30th, 2009, 11:03 AM
If you become a member of Bectu you can get PLI for £15 per annum for £3 million. My Bectu membership plus PLI cost less than £100 per year and I get free legal help for anything connected with the TV industry including copyright issues, chasing late payers etc. You also get subsidised training courses, a magazine, press card if you need one. Well worth it if you ask me.

Vincent Oliver
January 30th, 2009, 12:14 PM
Do you have a telephone number or website URL for Bectu. This sounds like an interesting option.


Have just found it

Steve Shovlar
January 31st, 2009, 03:52 AM
Do you have a telephone number or website URL for Bectu. This sounds like an interesting option.


Have just found it

BECTU Home (

I would read the clauses. You are not covered if you undertake work that has no connection to your membership of BECTU.

Plus joining plus buying PL insurance would come to £143.

Vincent Oliver
January 31st, 2009, 03:59 AM
Thanks Steve - I did read the "small print". All my work is either produced for photo-i or video-i and editorial for web etc., so I don't think I would qualify

Alister Chapman
January 31st, 2009, 03:56 PM
As Bectu includes anyone working in the media, interactive web, tv and video production if you are shooting something with a video camera for public display you would almost certainly be covered. If you want to film on public transport, at a station, airport or large public venue you would nearly always need 5 million of cover. Best bet is to call the union, they don't bite!

Bruce Rawlings
January 31st, 2009, 04:04 PM
I have been an ACTT/ BECTU member for 38 years, the benefits are certainly a useful thing to have at your disposal in times of trouble.

Daniel Epstein
January 31st, 2009, 05:44 PM
Sorry to hear about your accident. Reminds me of the time I was a PA on a job which a cameraman left his Ikegami HL-79A set up on a tripod and it took a nose dive smashing the lens through the front plate back into the tubes. This was early 80's and set back the company about $20K to get it fixed. See how technology has advanced... that camera was about 50K and didn't record without an external deck.
As for what happened to your camera I would check it out very carefully for damage to the rest of the body. Small cracks in the body or lens mount as well as optical issues due to the fall may not show up right away. It may be worth letting Sony go over it after you have the new lens just to make sure nothing else is amiss.

Vincent Oliver
February 1st, 2009, 03:16 AM
Thanks for the advice Daniel, I will be getting the camera looked over asap. I am aware that if the lens mount has been distorted then the camera will be of no use to anyone.

Alister & Bruce, I will still look into the BECTU membership, and most certainly will be updating all my insurance policies. Thanks

Mark Slocombe
February 2nd, 2009, 02:33 PM
Hi - if you have a video-professional insurance policy, you often don't need to advise your insurer of individual items; providing the total amount of your policy covers the value of the lost / broken item, you just need the receipt - with our insurers, anyway.