View Full Version : Oh No, another newbie
Tim Cee January 27th, 2009, 12:47 PM Wanted to say Hey to everybody and see how many others here are Birders into HD Video of Birds, Birds in flight, Raptors!!!, and of course other wild game. I’ve been lurking and decided it was time to get into it here. My thing has been Still Images but I am breaking into HD Video and wanted to see how many others share the same. Kind of a whose who I guess.
After finally getting the basics (and I do mean basics) of my Canon XHA1 down as well as Sony Vegas Pro (again very basic) sorted out I decided to post my first post here in Under Water Over Land to say Hi and let you all know I will be calling this place home, that is if you all will have me.
Take Care everybody, I look forward to contributing and hanging out with you. There is quite a lot of nice footage here and some very impressive work. I hope to learn and some day have something useful to give back. Thanks,
Neil Grubb January 27th, 2009, 02:26 PM Hello Tim,
We share similar interests, with an interest in raptors and until now experience in still photography. I'd be interested to hear how you progress with your set-up. I have posted on filming peregrines in this same section - I have not so far done any high definition work but intend to do so this spring and summer. I've already had a great deal of helpful advice from forum members.
Per Johan Naesje January 27th, 2009, 02:30 PM Hi Tim, and welcome to the UWOL-forum!
I did take a look at your website and you got some stunning raptors-pics there!
Looking forward to view your shoots with the A1, which I think is a superb camcorder.
I'm fascinated of birds of pray myself. In my country the White Tailed- and Golden Eagle is the kings!
Tim Cee January 27th, 2009, 06:42 PM Thanks you guys for the warm welcome. I appreciate the comment on my website wildlife pictures Per Johan. I hope to be as good at Video as my still images but am finding it a very steep learning curve making the transition to video as well as a bigger demand on time. This is a huge challenge but I love a challenge.
I will stay in touch Neil as I progress and hope to learn a lot here.
Thanks you guys
Brendan Marnell January 30th, 2009, 11:13 AM Thank you Tim for sharing the best collection of raptor images I have seen on one personal website and I like your site design. Bravo.
I'll be watching you for more of the same and hope some day to post some bird images/clips on a site of my own. It's exciting to see the progress of someone who is way ahead of me.
For bird video including raptors I enjoy your neighbour from Ventura County, Don DesJardin ....
Dale Guthormsen January 31st, 2009, 06:35 AM Welcome aboard Tim,
There are plenty of bird videographers on here, you will not be disappointed.
quite a few are posting work on vimeo and then submitting links which is realy nice.
I would not call vegas pro anything other than an awesome program. I have it as well as adobe suite and I find myself using the Vegas 90 % of the time. combined with the canon hd camera you will be in business big time!!!
Look forward to seeing lots of new footage of species I may not be familiar with!!!
Brendan Marnell January 31st, 2009, 04:15 PM Don DesJardin has so many good video clips on IBC that it might save you raptor-chasing-time to go straight to his barn owls ... here's one to lead to 3 others...
An adult bird flying | the Internet Bird Collection ( ... I think he was using Canon XL2 5 years ago when these were new.
His hawks are well worth a look too, redtailed and ferruginous.
For snippets of wonderful colour see some of his ... Calypte anna
Tim Cee January 31st, 2009, 08:22 PM Thanks again everybody for the warm welcomes and comments on my Raptor Images.
Every single image I take of Wildlife is Wildlife, meaning none of the images you see on my site are of Captive animals, Zoo animals, or Sanctuary animals. Not that there is anything wrong with shooting captive creatures but as a personal prefference I only shoot the wild.
I do most of my Raptors locally here in SoCal as well as Yellowstone. I Have only been doing for photography since April of 2007 so as you can imagine it has been a fast paced self taught learning experience so far. Not sure why I decided to get into HD video but I guess it just seemed like the next logical step for, very steep step I might add.
Thanks again everyone,