Roger Akers
January 27th, 2009, 10:00 AM
So I paid the feel to cross-grade to Neo-Scene from NEO HD. I put NEO SCENE on my laptop (It did not have a previous Cineform product on it.) It says that I have CineForm Codec v2.8, where the previous version (NEO HD on my current computer) says CineForm v3.8.2.
Whenever I render out of Vegas 8.0c using Neo Scene (codec 2.8) and import my footage into Sorenson Squeeze, it has only the audio with no video. Also, if I hit the 'configure' tab in the codec options, I only get an 'About' tab. Gone are the options (pulldown, up to 4:4:4, etc)
I love Cineform when it works, and defiantly recommend it but when a new version comes out it feels like rocket science. Ya'll need an auto-updater for people like me. Any help would be appreciated.
Whenever I render out of Vegas 8.0c using Neo Scene (codec 2.8) and import my footage into Sorenson Squeeze, it has only the audio with no video. Also, if I hit the 'configure' tab in the codec options, I only get an 'About' tab. Gone are the options (pulldown, up to 4:4:4, etc)
I love Cineform when it works, and defiantly recommend it but when a new version comes out it feels like rocket science. Ya'll need an auto-updater for people like me. Any help would be appreciated.