View Full Version : I must be dense. Just upgraded, now problems.

Roger Akers
January 27th, 2009, 10:00 AM
So I paid the feel to cross-grade to Neo-Scene from NEO HD. I put NEO SCENE on my laptop (It did not have a previous Cineform product on it.) It says that I have CineForm Codec v2.8, where the previous version (NEO HD on my current computer) says CineForm v3.8.2.

Whenever I render out of Vegas 8.0c using Neo Scene (codec 2.8) and import my footage into Sorenson Squeeze, it has only the audio with no video. Also, if I hit the 'configure' tab in the codec options, I only get an 'About' tab. Gone are the options (pulldown, up to 4:4:4, etc)

I love Cineform when it works, and defiantly recommend it but when a new version comes out it feels like rocket science. Ya'll need an auto-updater for people like me. Any help would be appreciated.

David Newman
January 27th, 2009, 10:14 AM
I gather you ment NEO HDV, not NEO HD, as that would be a downgrade. If you seeing v2.8 (current is v4.5) you have the annoying Sony bug, you have to renamed the cfhd.dll component in c:\program files\Sony\Vegus Pro 8.0\ to cfhd.old.dll.

Roger Akers
January 27th, 2009, 10:34 AM
Dave, yes HDV is what I meant sorry. So that's all I do is rename that file and everything should be good?

David Newman
January 27th, 2009, 12:13 PM
Yes, this is a long term Vegas 8 bug, with an easy work around.

Roger Akers
February 3rd, 2009, 03:43 PM
Okay renamed, the .dll. Now the codec isn't showing up in vegas. Re-installed NEO- Scene...still not showing up in Vegas.

*sigh* Had nothing but trouble with this guys. From registration, to uninstalling, to cross-grading, to reinstalling, to incompatibilities. So un-user friendly for such a great product when it works.

David Newman
February 3rd, 2009, 04:00 PM
It works seamlessly on 99% of systems, but it sounds like something is not typical on your setup. All you need is to install CFHD.dll in your Windows system32 folder, that is automatically done by the installer. I've have never heard of an system that could not use CFHD.dll if installed correctly, so you will have to contract support directly.

Roger Akers
February 4th, 2009, 09:36 AM
Okay I have logged into the computer as Administrator and repeated all the steps and that seems to have worked. I haven't rendered out yet but it is seeing v.4.5 of the codec in Vegas.

Just a note in case anyone else shares this problem.