View Full Version : Differences in the GY-HD100 series?
Tyler Wentzel January 26th, 2009, 10:04 PM Hey all,
I'm curious about the specific differences between the HD100, HD100U, HD100U A, HD101, HD101E...Whatever's cheapest works for me! I suppose most are just updated models. The 101 series' only difference is its Firewire input AND output, correct? Meaning that the user can export their HDV video to their editing software, then bring it back onto the camera tape once edited? That does not concern me, since I have no desire to input footage back onto the camera.
And a quick, possibly ridiculous question. This camera would have no problem being compatible with Sony Vegas Pro 8, correct? Just direct 1394 IEEE transfer, full quality 720p straight to Vegas using the capture feature with correct specifications? The 24p mode would not need a codec hopefully? I just wanted to verify, so thank you for your patience with me, in advance. (I'm new to Vegas so I've not yet even scratched the surface of its capabilities).
Thank you and God bless you all,
Jack Walker January 27th, 2009, 12:00 AM The U designates a United States model camera (sold in the U.S. and NTSC in some modes)
The E designates a European model camera (sold in Europe and PAL in some modes)
This is the generic ("stripped down") model number of the original JVC ProHD camera, with additional letters signifying the region the camera is sold in with some minor differences in features.
HD100U A
These are the same U.S. camera. The "A" was a free upgrade that was done to the cameras after the initial release. Cameras sold after the "A" upgrade became available had the upgrade with delivery. All HD100 cameras should have this upgrade. There is an "A" stamped somewhere that shows if the upgrade was done. (See many other threads about this.)
European model that has firewire output only.
European model that has both output and input over firewire.
(There is an additional cost in Europe for firewire input.)
If you are living in the U.S and are going to buy a used HD100, you only want model HD100U-A. This is the original U.S model with the "A" upgrade. (The next model was the HD110, then HD200 AND HD250).
(There was also an HD100J camera, I believe, that was sold in Japan, though I have no details and may be wrong.)
Regarding Vegas, the best place to get accurate info is probably the Vegas forum. However, I believe the current version of Vegas has no problem with any of the HD100 ProHD formats.
Eric Darling January 27th, 2009, 12:10 AM That's a nice summary, Jack. Thanks.
Brian Standing January 27th, 2009, 10:52 AM I capture and edit 24p from my JVC HD100U-A (curiously, Windows reports it as a JVC HD101) in Vegas with relatively few problems. Make sure you have your project set to 1280x720, progressive, 23.976 fps.
Occasionally, when capturing over firewire in Vegas' vidcap applet, I get a hiccup. The result is a file that is split into dozens of 1-2 second clips. I'm guessing this is either a tape dropout, or has something to do with the 6-pin to 4-pin 1394 adapter I am using to avoid blowing the firewire port.
I recently started using Cineform HD Scene. Cineform's HDLINK capture utility has never stumbled. There must be some kind of error correction going on in Cineform's capture routine.
Tyler Wentzel January 27th, 2009, 05:30 PM You guys rock. Thanks so much for your summaries and great help!
John Vincent January 30th, 2009, 03:15 PM Vegas is a disaster for us - totally unusable for long projects. Adobe for us.
Thanks for the summary... could you also tell us the difference between the 100 and other, newer models (the 200, et al)?
Brian Standing January 30th, 2009, 03:41 PM Never had a problem doing long form with Vegas. I suspect there's something wrong with your setup, or you're just not used to the Vegas interface.
For a comparison between JVC ProHD cameras, go here: