View Full Version : Training Day 'look'

David Drysdale
September 8th, 2003, 03:56 AM

I know you all you helpful people out there get asked a lot of question relating to looks connected to films, some more distinctive than others (i.e. the 'black hawk down' or 'saving private ryan' look.)

Always been a big fan of Training Day, and love the clean but gritty look of the film. If anyone is familiar with the film and notice any identifiable features of the look of the movie it would help me greatly. If I didn't make that clear, what I'm looking for is a few pointers on things you noticed with the look of the movie, and if possible how this/these were achieved.

Mark Monciardini
September 8th, 2003, 10:10 PM
Funny how you made this post today and I was actually thinking about this today too!!

I've always wondered about the same thing.

I reminded my self about it when I saw the new Episode 14 at LadyXFilms.

Take a look at the tone in those images and the movie. Is that what you are looking for? Because it's close to what I am looking for. So I emailed Rob, he's the guy that made the film. And he did it all with Curves in Vegas. He emailed me a step by step on how to do it. Let me know if you like it and I will ask for his permission to send it out.

Take a look at the film and you can see the sepia tone in the beginning. I bet you anything it's all about adjusting the color in those movies you mentioned, to get that "old war film look". Also see the movie "Traffic" which most or all was done in HD. You can see another tone when they are in the desert. That one looks awesome too.

Charles King
September 9th, 2003, 03:55 AM
Hey Mark. Do mind sending me those procedures?Thanks.

David Drysdale
September 9th, 2003, 09:47 AM
Mark, that's almost exactly what I'm getting at. Training Day looks as if it was shot using the same techniques as Ridley Scott for Black Hawk Down, but with a somewhat 'regular' shutter speed, giving a smoother feel rather than the strobing effect of BHD.

Traffic - fantastic cinematography, and yes it is similar here. I would love to see this step-by-step on how the Lady X episode look was achieved, and I'm sure many others would like to see the process too. I guess its a little more taxing than 'messing with curves'.

Charles King
September 27th, 2003, 02:08 AM
Hey Mark I hope you havn't forgotten but it seems that you have.

Rob Lohman
October 5th, 2003, 07:28 PM
I'm the guy from Episode 14... Appologies it took me so long to
find this thread. I shot, edited and color corrected it, so basically
I can answer any question you seek.

Basically the process involved three steps:

1. color curves - increase contrast + (apparent) dynamic range (S like curve)

2. B&W filter to drain out the color (XL1s produces very rich colors)

3. yellow filter to cast it more to a yellow/brown/sepia look

A more detailed description is in the thread on the episode
which can be found here ( (scroll down a bit)

If you guys are missing anything don't hesitate to ask me for
more info here. If you'd like I can post a couple of before and
after bitmaps on certains scenes like the opening one.

Thanks for the compliments!

David Drysdale
October 8th, 2003, 04:25 AM
Major help here. Only have a few seconds spare, but will reply later. Thanks alot Rob!

Yow Siang
October 9th, 2003, 06:58 AM
Hi Rob,
I am very interested the way you adjust the colors and the ffects you use in vegas to create the look for episode 14.
Could you send me the step by step list of how you do it?


Rob Lohman
October 9th, 2003, 10:46 AM

Have you looked at my steps in the thread I mentioned above?
This is about as detailed as I currently have it. Is it not clear
enough? If you have questions on certain steps etc. I can
probably respond a bit better to your question. It isn't that
difficult at all. If you play around with the steps I put up it
should all snap into place. Basically I toned the filters down
so that they change the image not too much.

Yow Siang
October 9th, 2003, 06:27 PM
Thanks Rob,
have tried the step and i think I roughly got it but i do not seems to find the "yellow filter to cast it more to a yellow/brown/sepia look" ...

Wondering is it the sepia filter you use and adjust the color to yellow what you meant?


Rob Lohman
October 10th, 2003, 01:49 PM
Under my default Vegas installation it is under:

Video FX -> Color Curves -> Yellow Tint

Hope this helps!