View Full Version : Telecine-ing Footage

Daniel Fessak
January 24th, 2009, 08:39 PM
Hello all...

I was doing a search through some old posts and found something where someone said that when shooting in 24f you need to telecine the footage into a 60i stream to get it to play (properly I assume) on a DVD player.

Now whenever I have burned a DVD with footage I have shoot, I have just always used IDVD, though I am currently learning DVD Studios Pro. I have always just exported from Avid as a Quicktime file, then imported to IDVD. The DVDs played fine, though am I missing a step or do IDVD and DVD Studio Pro telecine the footage automatically? If not then what does one use to make it so.


Steve Phillipps
January 25th, 2009, 04:51 AM
Telecine refers to transferring film to tape, nolthing to do with DVDs.

Tripp Woelfel
January 25th, 2009, 08:21 AM
It's called a 3:2 pulldown. Since I'm not familiar with your software, it might take care of it automagically.

If you're getting results you're happy with, I wouldn't worry about it.

Jacques E. Bouchard
January 25th, 2009, 09:22 AM
Hello all...

I was doing a search through some old posts and found something where someone said that when shooting in 24f you need to telecine the footage into a 60i stream to get it to play (properly I assume) on a DVD player.

If you've been rendering to 29.97 (NTSC) DVD, then the pulldown is done for you. Even if you make a 24f DVD, most (all?) players will automatically pulldown when playing back 24f to an NTSC TV.

If you want to make sure you get the best results with pulldown (and if your NLE software will let you do it), apply the pulldown yourself using the 2:3:3:2 method (instead of the 2:3, aka 3:2, method that cause more judder) then create a 29.97 DVD.

Telecine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
