View Full Version : Spec's & codec's

G. Lee Gordon
January 24th, 2009, 05:59 PM
I am starting a project which will be a "demo reel". It will most likely end up on Vimeo and DVD copies. My question is what setting should I use when I open the project in Final Cut Pro. Should I use HVD1080i 60i, DVCPRO1080i 60i, HVD720 24p, DVCPRO720 24p? PLease explain why you chose the way you did.
I am using a JVC GYHD200 and firestore to capture the footage. Using Final Cut Studio 2 for editing.

Robert Rogoz
January 25th, 2009, 12:40 PM
depends on what format did you shoot the footage: was it 720/30p or 720/24p? Since you were using hd200 with firestore the question is what settings did you have on your firestore? did you shoot as .m2t or quicktime? if .m2t get yourself clipwrap app and use it to re-wrap the footage into quicktime. FCP will automatically recognize the format and adjust the settings what you drop your first clip onto the time line. in your FCP settings use ProRes for rendering to avoid quality loss.
Here is a link to more detailed discussion.
a simple search will reveal more discussions here as well.

G. Lee Gordon
January 25th, 2009, 06:35 PM
I haven't shot the footage yet. I'm trying to get input on which is the best setting for the footage I'm going to shoot. I want the footage to be high definition, not 4:3. For HD web presentation via Vimeo/You Tube, what is the best route to go, 60i or 24p? HD or DVCPRO?

Robert Rogoz
January 25th, 2009, 09:55 PM
let me get it straight- you mentioned GY-HD 200 as your camera- right? If you are using this camera you will shoot in HDV 720/30 and as far as I remember it also shoots 720/60p. Don't bother with 24p for internet distribution. Your DR100 will have most likely m2t or quicktime option- use the first one. Quicktime produces a hiss in the sound and makes your sound pretty much worthless. Use "Clipwrap" and just re-wrap your m2t into quicktime and then import your footage into your FCP.

G. Lee Gordon
January 25th, 2009, 10:08 PM
Thanks Robert. I thought the hd200 shoots in 1080/60i?