Adrian J. Hare
January 24th, 2009, 04:40 PM
here's something I'm not sure on. If I use a HD dv tape in a SD recorder/player will it effect the HD quality on the tape if a recoreded from it in SD. I do understand that I can not get HD formating on this player, but don't want to rune the tapes incase I may want to use the in HD down the road.
Thanks if you can help me out here...
Adam Gold
January 25th, 2009, 04:14 PM
All the tapes are the same. Don't waste your money. It won't give you any better quality to use an "HD" tape. It won't affect any future quality on the tape down the road, but you should never re-use a tape anyway, so the point is moot.
Tape rules:
Don't waste your money on HDV tapes. There is no difference in picture quality between these and regular MiniDV tapes -- it's all digital. Sony Premiums are fine and can be had online for a little over $2 each.
Tape manufacturers often say that HDV tapes are built to higher standards than regular MiniDV tapes. That's frequently claimed but so far no one has ever presented any statistical evidence, anywhere, that this is so.
Even if it is true you need to do a cost-benefit analysis to decide if overpaying for all your tapes is worth the reduced chance of a dropout, especially if such dropouts are easily cut around (as they are in all the shooting I do). If it's a once in a lifetime event and you want to maximize your chances of having every frame be perfect, then the more expensive tapes may be worth it for you.
When I first started shooting DV I used the TDKs available at Costco for about $2.50 each. I used a couple of hundred without a dropout or any other problem. Later I switched to the Sony Premiums because even with shipping they were cheaper. I’m on my fourth case of 100 and have had maybe three dropouts total in two years. Costco now sells the Sony Premiums instead of the TDKs.
Don't mix tape brands. Sony uses a different lubricant than others and switching could gum up your heads. Run a cleaning tape for 10 seconds and then pick one brand and stick to it.
Never re-use your tapes. They should go through your camera exactly twice: once when you shoot and once when you capture.
Adrian J. Hare
January 29th, 2009, 08:05 AM
Thanks Adam for your feedback.
I use Panasonic all the time. Would there be a problem using them in a sony player ?
Adam Gold
January 31st, 2009, 10:36 AM
No problem. Just make sure to clean the heads if you switch brands.
Adrian J. Hare
February 1st, 2009, 06:28 PM
Thankyou once again...