View Full Version : Vulturs, Gyps fulvus

Gilles Debord
January 24th, 2009, 02:13 PM

A new clip on my website, Vulturs in Spain Montfraguë National Park. The picture are not very crispy due to the long focal.

Vidéo de la faune Espagnole (

I'm waiting for yours comments thanks.



Steve Phillipps
January 24th, 2009, 03:11 PM
Gilles, I'm not seeing any video appear when I click the link. It goes to your page but nothing happens.

Gilles Debord
January 24th, 2009, 03:54 PM
Hi Steve

Try this, go on the website at world wildlife video, video, faune sauvage, Chili, Finlade, Ours, Karélie, Espagne, guanacos, renards,nandu,bandurias (

Select Espagne video

And the last clip (Vautours Monfraguë) is the good one.

Tomorow i add a new clip without music on ( Cyanopica cyanus) a really nice and very active bird from south Spain.

Steve Phillipps
January 24th, 2009, 06:16 PM
Same thing, it comes up with Vidéo animaux d'Espagne but it's just a blank screen. Could be just me I suppose.

Chris Swanberg
January 24th, 2009, 08:45 PM
Worked for me... I went to the link inside his link for Espagne video and it was indeed the last clip... played fine...

Nice tracking of the birds in flight. very well done, thank you.

Mike Sims
January 24th, 2009, 10:30 PM
Really nice follow focus work Gilles. Thanks!

Gilles Debord
January 25th, 2009, 03:28 AM

Cyanopica cyanus "Pies bleues" are online in the same page on the website.



Steve Phillipps
January 25th, 2009, 04:53 AM
Still can't get it to work, but others managing so must be some settings on my computer.

Gilles Debord
January 25th, 2009, 05:17 AM
Hi Steeve

You need to install free QuickTime player or try it with free MPEG Streamclip at

Squared 5 - MPEG Streamclip video converter for Mac and Windows (

Best regards


Dale Guthormsen
January 31st, 2009, 06:45 AM

I enjoyed you clips, I ever watched the nut hatch footage and some others as well.

the vulture footage was very nice and you stayed with that one quite well and kept the camera quite smooth as well!!!!

In spite of the softer image I like it. Actually a softer image goes with the soaring quite nice, It is about impression!!

Brendan Marnell
January 31st, 2009, 05:25 PM
Gilles, thank you for fine Griffon Vulture footage from Pena Falcon. I know it well.

2 things surprise me about your clip. Your colours are better than I can get with XL2. Did you do much colour enhancing in post? What cam + lens did you use? Secondly, I have never seen the birds landing in such numbers on the slope beyond the main rock face. What time of the year did you shoot this footage? The detail is quite good, often from a distance of over 200metres. I am impressed and intrigued.

Dale Guthormsen
January 31st, 2009, 07:09 PM

I knew you would like this fotage and waited to see your response!!! I see you upscaled to an xl2,, good job. You can do some work on your presets to enrich you colors and sharpness among other things.

I too would be interested in the preset that he used for this footage.

Gilles Debord
February 1st, 2009, 03:44 PM
Hi and thank's

1) the settings of the camera are the Per Johan settings.

2) a little bit contrast enhancing and sharpness during the compression with Squeeze 5 sorenson.

3) The cam Canon XL2 lens 300 mm f2,8 Tamron for all the footages Vulturs and Cyanopica cyanus.

4) Time of the year this month January 2009 between the 08 and the 15 in the Montfraguë national park (Extremadura center Spain)

5) The Griffon Vulture are constructing their nest that explain the number of birds.

I give you more information on the compression settings next Thuesday when i will be at home.

The tripod is a Vinten carbon and the head a Vinten 11, the computer is an old Mac Power G5 the soft is the old Imovie HD, i have FPC but i dont nor use it. Footage are taken the morning around 11 AM, the exact place is "salto del gitano" the blue winged magpie are filmed in the east of the park.

Brendan Marnell
February 2nd, 2009, 12:24 PM
Thank you for your answers Gilles; they make good sense to me.

But after 2 hours searching through these forums and on Per Johan's website I can't be sure which of his settings you are referring to. Please tell me where you found Per's settings that you used in January in Monfrague?

Per Johan Naesje
February 2nd, 2009, 12:51 PM
I don't have the XL-2 anymore and I don't remember the settings! I believe that Gilles got the settings in an email a couple of year ago!

Mick Jenner
February 2nd, 2009, 01:07 PM
Hi Brendon,

I believe I remember reading somewhere that Per used the settings developed by Tony Davies-Patrick. If you search the XL2 forum under his name you should come up them.



Per Johan Naesje
February 2nd, 2009, 01:43 PM
Yes! Thanks Mick!
I'll try to search for this thread - in the XL-2 forum, stay tuned!

Ok, found it!

This preset is David Davis-Patrick's work:
Here is the preset:
Preset Name = Nature
Gamma = 1
Knee = 1
Black = 2
NR = 0
VDetail = 0
Color Matrix = 1
Color Gain = 3
Color Phase = 0
Red = 2
Green = 0
Blue = 0
SetupLevel = 0
Sharpness = 2
Coring = 0
MasterPed = 0
Description = GLOBETROTTER" main world site

Original post: (post #4 Tim Bickford downloadable preset zip-file, David's preset is named nature)

Mick Jenner
February 2nd, 2009, 04:19 PM
Hi Per,

Pleased to have been of help. Had to go urgently otherwise I would have spent time looking it up myself. We have snow here on the south coast, had to go out to make the most of it, don't see it often!!



Per Johan Naesje
February 2nd, 2009, 10:57 PM
We have snow here on the south coast, had to go out to make the most of it, don't see it often!I'm a trip at the Western Coast of Norway and no snow here at the moment. Today I hopefully get some Raptors in my viewfinder!

Brendan Marnell
February 3rd, 2009, 08:15 AM
Thank you Mick and Per Johan and Gilles and Tony D-P for the XL2 settings. It really is great to get this level of support.

I can see you chaps setting up a co-op. What am i talking about! ... sure you are the founding fathers of the UWOL co-op ... which reminds me I have not heard from mother for a while ... I guess she's up to her pectorals in challenging times ... good women are scarce; I wish her the best of everything and then some.

Now where's my xl2 manual?

Brendan Marnell
February 5th, 2009, 03:51 AM
And then days later I find that we are all indebted to the kaleidoscopic but unobtrusive Chris Hurd for digging up these presets in considerable detail in July 2005 ...

Blue Barn Pictures presets manager and Custom Preset files

Gilles Debord
February 5th, 2009, 05:15 AM

DV footage size before compression: 2.36 Go
in Imovie the motion is just a little bit slowed (little, arround 10%)
Imovie HD (the old Apple Imovie) settings:

MP4 (codec) H264
4096 Kbits/sec
Fq: 25, 2 pass
Diffusion: packet size 1024, packet lenght 100 msec
sound: 128 Kbps, Fq 44,100 Khz

Size: 210 Mo

Sorenson squeeze 5 settings:

Mpeg4 preset 1Mb
Sorenson 2 pass VBR
Data rate 1000 Kbps
Frame 1:1
filter: Sharpen
Amount 25%
Radius 4
sharpen edges only
edge detection 127
Gaussian noise reduction 10
Sound like the firts compression

Final size 20.3 Mb

I am not sure to use the best compression settings, Sorenson Squeeze 5 is really fantastic but a little bit expensive for an amator user like me.

May be anybody on the forum will give us better Sorenson settings ?

Next days i add Seals and Pinguins from Chile.



J. Stephen McDonald
February 21st, 2009, 03:46 AM
Giles, I always enjoy your Nature videos. They are simple and just as you might see things in person. I have found that vultures make interesting subjects, as they are like people, in that they often fly just for fun. There's a butte near our town, where they go just to play on the updrafts. There's a video on my Vimeo album that I shot of them there in 1992. A high-definition one I made last Summer is here: I will go back and look at more of yours as soon as I can.