Richard Lewis
September 7th, 2003, 12:07 PM
Hi, I just bought a Canon XM2 (GL2). I can't seem to get the digital effects working.
I have the camera switched to [p].
It says "D effects off", I cant seem to change this.
The words are yellow. (If that helps)
I hope there is an obvious solution to this.
Could someone give me instructions on how to turn them on.
Please help!
Ken Tanaka
September 7th, 2003, 01:23 PM
There's a "DEffects" selector button on the lower left side of the camera. Use the scroll wheel is on the camera's back to select.
Spend some time with your manual to see how these effects work.
Richard Lewis
September 7th, 2003, 02:26 PM
I got that far before, however by pushing in the wheel , I cant turn the effects from off to on. They are stuck on off.
I looked at the manual before consulting the forum.
I couldn't find my solution.
Richard Lewis
September 7th, 2003, 02:28 PM
I hope that didn’t sound arrogant.
Thanks for your speedy reply.
Richard Lewis
September 8th, 2003, 09:53 AM
I spoke to the nice people at Calumet and they helped me resolve my problem.
Turning on the digital effects is more abstract than on a regular DV camera, but now I can see how the layout would be beneficial.
Thanks for the one reply I got :(
Ken Tanaka
September 8th, 2003, 10:27 AM
Glad to hear you've resolved your problem.
One reason that you didn't get many replies may be that few folks use the in-camera digital effects. Fades and other transitions are best left to post-production editing. If I didn't routinely use the color bars I would not have been able to offer any response to you, either.
Good shooting!