View Full Version : How do you render with CS4?

Spike Spiegel
January 21st, 2009, 10:07 PM
I am working with p2 (DVCPROHD) and adobe premiere cs4. WHenever I try to output even a 10 second timeline, the renderer crashes, i've tried h264, i've tried windows media, etc. I'm afraid to think what this renderer will do with a full hour long project!

How do you guys render, and what are some good settings that will output at 1080i? Codecs, bit rates, etc. Thanks!!

Tripp Woelfel
January 22nd, 2009, 07:11 AM
As you might have suspected, this should not happen. You should be able to render to virtually any format you wish.

What's happening when it crashes? Is it at the beginning, middle or end? This may indicate where the problem lies. Do you have all the Adobe and OS software updates? Are all your hardware drivers, particularly audio and video, up to date? Don't rely on the OS to do the updates. Go to the manufacturers' sites and download the latest drivers manually.

Go to the Adobe support Web site. Find and implement all of the optimization techniques listed there, including the selective start up procedure.

I was where you are a year ago on my new system. Now I have a fairly happy editing system that does about everything I ask it to.

Spike Spiegel
January 22nd, 2009, 04:31 PM
Thanks Tripp, you know, this may be very silly of me, but I lay the fault on the fact that I am running an external hard drive which houses my footage.. It is a 2x1tb raid 0 ext. hd running to my system via firewire 400... And when i call to render, its having a tough time with just firewire 400... However, what I do not understand is the amount of memory windows is asking for, its going past 5gb and i am sometimes suffering page file overload warnings...

PS, yes I do have all the updates, and my system is a quad core 2.6ghz intel, 4gb dual channel ram, OS is a 2x200gb raid 0 drive, with scratch drives at 2x750gb raid 0, and calling all footage from a 2x1tb raid 0 ext hd via firewire 400.. Gonna make the switch to esata soon, hoping that will speed things up significantly, but I can't understand why adobe needs more than 4gigs of ram when rendering..