View Full Version : Uploading video attachment

Craig Seeman
January 20th, 2009, 12:33 AM
I tried uploading small video attachments. Under 6MB. I've tried MOV and WMV and frame size 480x360 and smaller. In each case I get an error message regarding the size even though I followed the file size (both MB and Frame).

Is this not working? Is there a format, frame and file size that does work?

Chris Hurd
January 20th, 2009, 01:11 AM
Give me a day Craig. We'll try to get something going on this.

Craig Seeman
January 20th, 2009, 02:00 AM
Thanks. I'm thinking some of us could post tutorials which may well answer some of the frequent questions as well as ones that are hard to explain.

I was able to do a one minute "tutorial" at 960x600 as an H.264 .mov file and the size was only 6.5MB and it looked great. So at the 47MB and change listed for .mov I could do an intolerably long over 7 minute tutorial. A minute or two is certainly appropriate to answer a forum post in most cases.

This would be a killer feature.

Craig Seeman
March 20th, 2009, 11:28 PM
Any progress on this? I have some EX tutorials that I think would clear things up for some people. They're under 10MB. I can encode to any modern codec H.264 .mov, .mp4, WMV9. I'd love to upload but still get the file too big error messages so apparently video upload is still not supported.

Craig Seeman
March 28th, 2009, 09:29 AM
Giving this a bump in case Chris hadn't noticed.
I'd love to be able to upload small video clip tutorials under 10 MB.

Chris Hurd
March 28th, 2009, 09:40 AM
Sorry Craig, lots of irons in the fire here. Please contact me via email, chris at dvinfo dot net, for our FTP account upload info. Thanks,

Matt Vanecek
April 5th, 2009, 11:24 AM
The short tutorials/Video answers is a GREAT idea! Since I've been mucking about with video, I've leaned how to record stuff at work on the computer to video shorts for tasks such as software packaging/distribution, tools usage, etc., that have proved invaluable. I look forward to seeing what the masters of this craft start posting as answers!


Chris Hurd
April 6th, 2009, 08:23 AM
Just waiting to hear back from Craig via email.

Craig Seeman
April 6th, 2009, 08:45 AM
Been a bit busy. Contacting now for details.