View Full Version : 720p 25p captures as 50p

Seamus Byrne
January 19th, 2009, 01:58 PM
I'm using JVC's GY-HD110E camcorder and capturing into Magix Movie Edit Pro 14 Plus. The 720p 25p footage is being captured at 50p. I understand how this is happening (there's a post about it on this site). My problem is how to get around it. I've tried exporting the 50p file to a 25p format but it takes ages, and still ends up at 25p.

Is there a simple workaroound?

Maybe a conversion box in the IEEE1394 line to make sure Magix (and other non-pro softwares read the signal as 25p)?

Or a capture tool that I can use instead of Magix?

Thanks in advance.
