View Full Version : about Panasonic black
John McRae September 5th, 2003, 04:16 PM The black model of the GS-100 seems to be a specialty item, to some extent. I have the following questions:
1. How well does the finish look like it will hold up? That is, will it tarnish or show metallic (i.e., silver-colored) scratches?
2. Why black?
I can think of the following reasons: It's just cool. It looks professional. It doesn't generate so many reflections, which would be better for "stealth" filming.
On the other hand, wouldn't black be hotter when filming out of doors?
Thanks for your comments, suggestions, and answers!
Frank Granovski September 5th, 2003, 05:02 PM It's not like Pana took a paint brush to the silver GS100.
Black absorbs light; it doesn't reflect it. That's why we see dork products in pro lines. :)
Black or silver, it doesn't matter. You can always shoot from the shade.
Allan Rejoso September 5th, 2003, 08:04 PM The black finish will hold out just fine. But you have to be very careful of the surface at the back of the LCD as it is quite prone to scratches (it's true for both the silver and the black).
One thing I've noticed so far about the black mamba, it really catches attention, most probably because most consumer cams are either silver, gray or pastel.
BTW, I saw the Sony PC300 last night. it's even deeper black.
Frank Granovski September 5th, 2003, 08:11 PM Allan, I realize this is a Pana forum, but do tell us more about the Sony PC300, Optura Xi, and of course the black mamba. If you find any Japanese links with tests, post them please!
Allan Rejoso September 5th, 2003, 08:20 PM Ok Frank, I'll post all the things I can find about those 3 cams right here on this forum. So far, the best comparison I've seen is the Sept 2003 issue of a Jap mag I mentioned previously. I'll try to translate that review as much as I can.
Frank Granovski September 5th, 2003, 08:27 PM Thanks Allan! Perhaps start a new thread, and don't hold back your subjectivity nor irony. Think of it as an educational task to entertain us poor folks not living in Japan. :)
Aylwin Cal September 7th, 2003, 06:55 PM Okay, one not-so-nice thing about the black GS100: finger prints are more visible on the LCD back side. This may not really be a big deal but I kinda find it annoying when it gets all smudged with fingerprints. I'm always wiping it clean.
All the wiping and cleaning is worth it though. It DOES look cool! :)
Frank Granovski September 7th, 2003, 07:33 PM One important pointer about handling your cam: always keep your hands clean!
Aylwin Cal September 8th, 2003, 12:12 AM Hey, I'm human. I leave fingerprints even when my hands ARE clean. And I wouldn't look so cool anymore either wearing white cotton gloves (not that I do without them). :)
Frank Granovski September 8th, 2003, 01:07 AM Don't laugh, but when it's hot & humid, I wear rubber gloves---those thin ones doctors wear. I don't want slimy sweat smeared all over one of my precious cams.
Bogdan Vaglarov September 8th, 2003, 08:16 AM Don't laugh but in Japan it's ALL THE TIME hot and humid!
I work in lab and know what is to wear gloves - THANKS!
Just having fun with my sticky fingers on my humidity checking GS100 (picky about that).
Now serious - silver is relatively OK. I have experience with very black HiFi equipment - really heavy finger prints. I've got used using my finger bones (don't know how to say it - pardon my English). But with video cam you have to use your finger tips.
Donald Craig Forbes September 9th, 2003, 02:51 PM <<<-- Originally posted by Bogdan Vaglarov :
Now serious - silver is relatively OK. I have experience with very black HiFi equipment - really heavy finger prints. I've got used using my finger bones (don't know how to say it - pardon my English). But with video cam you have to use your finger tips. -->>>
I'm guessing "fingernails" is the word you are looking for.
Bogdan Vaglarov September 9th, 2003, 06:28 PM No, it's the oposite side of the finger - pushing with the joint closer to the nail.
But this is just technical detail and shuldn't destract anybody from Black or Silver - simply GS100 is fine in any skin!
Lincoln Norris September 10th, 2003, 09:29 PM I have a couple of scratches on my black beuty. They are on the back side of the Display screen, They are about 1cm long and show the inner silver very nicely.....
I also havnt cleaned all the smudges off of the display screen yet as I dont want to scratch it. I will use a soft cleaner...and then I was thinking to put one of those soft plastic LCD display protectors on it...
Like the ones you put on your Digi cam to stop it scratching. It probably wont scratch but if Im wiping the smudges off all the time it should protect it from constant cleaning...
Off to BicCamera........
Frank Granovski September 11th, 2003, 03:47 AM One thing to keep in mind...BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL. Any questions?
Haven't you ever wondered why pro cams are black? Yup. BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL. And that's it! :)
PS: why do you think I went with black Manfrotto 075 legs? Now you know. Oh, and that's why I prefer B&W film. Yup. You got it.