View Full Version : Image mask - highlight motion corrected frame

Tobin Strickland
January 12th, 2009, 08:48 PM
Anyone have any ideas about how to do a highlight on an motion corrected clip. If I use Andy Mees awesome blur and highlight I still have to move it in time with the corrected clip...which on this handheld clip is unfortunately not possible.

Is there a way to mask a layer above the stilled clip??? any ideas.

Image unfortunately follows the motion of the clip...

Andy Mees
January 12th, 2009, 09:31 PM

You might want to roundtrip out to Motion and use the Match Move / Track behaviour. Its darned good. Heres a tutorial.

Motion Smarts (

Other than that, you could always just add a slug on an upper layer with a mask shape filter added to tat slug. Drop the opacity on the slug and you're pretty much there.
