View Full Version : Add motion blur??

Aric Mannion
January 11th, 2009, 01:10 PM
(After Effects)
I want an animated shot to have a slow shutter blur. The "force motion blur" doesn't seem to do anything and is unusually slow. Exactly how could one add a slow shutter blur over all of the animation?

Tom Hardwick
January 11th, 2009, 01:16 PM
My canopus Storm 2 has a motion blur filter that's adjustable from ziltch to wild, but this probably doesn't help you much. I overlay it onto slo-mo footage for a beautiful dreamy effect.


Steve Oakley
January 14th, 2009, 11:13 PM
BCC trails would do it.

you could also reduce the frame rate of the clip via posterize time, then overlay it with another copy of the same clip.

do above but use the wide time filter

you could slow the slip down with frame blending, pre comp it, and speed up the precomp so the speed is right again

lots of ways to do something interesing.