View Full Version : Can anyone identify this transition effect?

Peter Rush
January 11th, 2009, 06:03 AM
Hi all...

I've seen this really simple but cool transition effect af few times but is seems to be used a lot on the BBC News 'Click' program. You can see this by following the link below and clicking the 'Watch Now' button.

BBC NEWS | Programmes | Click (

You can see a high quality version at the iPlayer by following the clip below (this link will only work for 7 days though)

BBC iPlayer - Click: 10/01/2009 (

It's fairly simple in that it sort of blooms all the whites in the 'A' clip to white and then does the reverse into the 'B' clip. I use Premiere Pro and it's a little like the additive dissolve but much more intense.

Thanks in advance


Tripp Woelfel
January 11th, 2009, 08:54 AM
I'm curious about this myself. I know the effect is a glow that's available in MBL and Boris but I've not kitted it up as a transition. I think it's a bit overused lately.

As an aside, I really liked the little PackMan graphic in the report. Don't think the US networks would ever do something like this.

Steve House
January 11th, 2009, 09:24 AM
Sony Vegas also has this in the dissolve section of its transition effects using the "Additive Dissolve" preset. I think you can get the intensity of the BBC version by pushing the levels up during the dissolve.

Richard Wakefield
January 11th, 2009, 09:26 AM
god if i earnt a pound/dollar for everytime i see this asked....

blow out the whites (with PPro levels), and add blur and saturation accordingly

OR if you want to cheat:

- (PPro) New Blue Art Blends (Transitions) - 'Shiny Fog' (Glow preset) -
- (AE) Bloom transition -

Phil Burton
January 11th, 2009, 10:05 AM
Peter, all those mentioned are plug-ins. Another one is Vitascene from ProDAD

proDAD - Vitascene -- Video Effects And Transitions ( which now comes with Edius 5.

Like any effect use sparingly.

Peter Rush
January 11th, 2009, 10:23 AM
Thanks everyone - A combination of Premiere's additive dissolve and keyframed levels and blur works a treat - I'll only use it for a couple of sequences I've got in mind so I probably won't buy a plugin. Plus I think I can achieve the same using my Matrox plugins so I won't need to render.


Steve Shovlar
January 11th, 2009, 03:31 PM
I'll tell you exactly what it is. Its FX Factory Pro 2 Glow Dissolve, by Idustrial revolution.(Noise Industries)

Fantastic set of plugin filters for the mac, but not cheap. BBC have been using these for a few months.

Glow Dissolve (

Unfortunately the 140 filters cost £269 or $399.

Alex Sprinkle
January 12th, 2009, 04:30 PM
If anyone else needs this for FCP, check out Eureka's free filters. It's called Vapor Across.