View Full Version : SDHC Brands that work with MxR

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Ian Stuart Lynn
July 26th, 2010, 03:34 AM
I've been using 2 MxM and 5 Class 6 Transcend 16Gb cards in my EX3 for six months - no problems.
Just looking to buy a couple more cards and I see "Class 10" Transcend 16Gb - this is new to me, but should I now buy these rather than the class 6 ones I've used successfully? Would they will let me over-crank a little more without having to resort to my 8Gb SxS (which over-cranks perfectly, of course)? - just curious on this point really.
Thank you.

Colin Rowe
July 26th, 2010, 05:30 AM
I have been using a 2 Transcend 16gb class 10 for a couple of months now, no problems whatsoever. They are only a £ or 2 more than class 6 from Amazon

Duncan Craig
July 26th, 2010, 11:46 AM
Ross, is there any performance difference between your lockable and non-lockable adaptors?
I believe Marcus had seen benefits in the lockable version.

Also what's the concensus about the Hoodman adaptors and 16GB SDHC cards?
They use the MxR adaptor too don't they?

Marcus Durham
July 26th, 2010, 04:42 PM
Ross, is there any performance difference between your lockable and non-lockable adaptors?
I believe Marcus had seen benefits in the lockable version.

Also what's the concensus about the Hoodman adaptors and 16GB SDHC cards?
They use the MxR adaptor too don't they?

Hoodman use MxM cards I believe. So the only difference is the label on the front.

The lockable MxM cards I've tested did have a speed advantage over the MxR's I purchased on the previous firmware. I have not had time to test the new EX1 firmware with the adaptors. However I believe there have been revisions of the hardware on both sides since anyway.

I do prefer the lockable MxM's because there's no risk of accidental ejection. Seems a no brainer to me as you can then treat the card as you would an SxS card. You have one SDHC card and adaptor married up permanently.

I've also been using a Class 10 ATP 16gb card in a lockable MxM and have been very pleased with the results

Ross Herewini
July 27th, 2010, 08:13 AM
Ross, is there any performance difference between your lockable and non-lockable adaptors?
I believe Marcus had seen benefits in the lockable version.

Also what's the concensus about the Hoodman adaptors and 16GB SDHC cards?
They use the MxR adaptor too don't they?

Hi Duncan,

Over 12 months ago we changed our manufacturer from where the original MxR (the one with the Grey and Orange label) and MxM were made, as we were unhappy with the amount of hand working they were doing on the cards, as well as their overall QC. We approached a specialist Expresscard manufacturer who has been of great assistance in helping us develop new products, and helped us revise the chipset in the MxR.

The MxR (with the Purple and Black label), and the e-LCR (Lockable Card Reader) have been using the revised chipset now for over 12 months, and both work faster than the original MxR, as well as running with a wider range of SDHC cards including all 32GB tested so far. And now with the latest revision of the firmware we are seeing cards that previously were throwing "Media Restore" messages, happily running at 60fps under PAL 25p.

We do not, and never have sold OEM copies of our product to any other company, so any other product by MxM or the rebadged Hoodman product have no relationship with our own.