View Full Version : UWOL12/DVC - "Norwegian Wood" by Per Johan Næsje
Per Johan Naesje January 7th, 2009, 12:18 PM "Norwegian Wood" is the beginning of a long form project I'm working on aimed to screen sometime before the end of 2009!
But the theme "Cold" and the fact that I can use some part of it in the long-form uwol challenge made me doing this short story for the dvc/uwol charity challenge.
The film shows Ole Arne, a very good friend of mine who is devoted to wild-life photography. He spend most of his spare time out in the wild.
In this film I've tried to show how he's working out in the wild to get those magnificent pictures you'll find in the film.
As an experiment I've choosen to let the talent speak his native language, norwegian. Please let me know your opinion to this?
The poem by Lord Byron in the beginning is to enhance the mood for wildlife as we both, Ole Arne and I feel for the nature we are part of.
This film is as mention above more of an experiment for further uwol-films, than an stand-alone piece. I'm planning several appoaches for the uwol-long form challenge, this was the one that I liked best. I hope you've had a good time watching it.
Link to the film at Youtube (HD-version):
YouTube - Norwegian Wood (
Robert Martens January 7th, 2009, 12:42 PM Your experiment was successful, and though I'm not a nature and wildlife photographer myself I would watch a long form version of this without hesitation. Best of luck with the project!
Per, your reputation precedes you; word of your ability has reached my computer monitor before, and this film only serves to prove that. Flawless production, and I mean that most sincerely. Framing, composition, color, audio (this is huge, and something I don't often hear done as well as you have here), editing and of course, subject matter are those of a professional, which I'm told you in fact are. As such, I haven't got much in the way of advice you can use, but I'll do my best.
I agree with letting your subject speak his native language. When it comes to documentary work, at least when it's so personal and focused on one individual, it just seems most accurate and respectful to let them speak however they please. I might get more out of the film if I heard an English translation of what he was actually saying, but your voiceover did explain the most important information, so it's not a major issue.
The photo featured early on of the squirrel (I don't know what it really is, but it looks like a squirrel to me) eating next to the little gnome is a veritable fountain of "adorable", and getting the chance to watch those little guys crawl up to the food and chow down is much appreciated.
I really like what Ole does with setting up the feed station. Is this attention to detail common among wildlife photographers, or is Ole particularly artistic about his designs?
Chris Barcellos January 7th, 2009, 01:07 PM Per:
You continue to amaze us with very beautiful images. For a while, I wasn't sure whether you were crossing into narrative fiction-- your subject had that look of a well cast actor. Nothing like the real thing, though. "Old Arne" is to be admired by us all !
Dale Guthormsen January 7th, 2009, 01:38 PM Per Johan,
As always you are an inspiration for me!!Such fine images.
the poem stricks a chord, big time!! Nice start!!
I liked the intentional use of the slide show to demonstrate Arne's work!! they are awesome images too!!
So impressed you can go put a feeder out and actually have wildlife come in!!! If I did that out hear you may never have anything come in!!!
My favorite is show time however and the use of William tell's overture with the fast moving squirrel.
You tell the story clearly.
I also liked having Arne speak norweigen too, then followed by your naration which seemed a little quiet for my partially deaf ears.
It is great to see you back, and I am really looking forward to your long form!!
Trond Saetre January 7th, 2009, 01:39 PM Hei Per Johan,
You always deliver quality video!
That your friend spoke Norwegian made it even better in my opinion.
(Maybe add subtitles?)
Thank you for sharing! It's one of my favorites this round.
Hugh DiMauro January 7th, 2009, 04:37 PM Wow! I am trying to form the words here. My partner and I (The German spy in my movie) just watched your video with our jaws touching our chests! I kept looking back at him watching your movie and his reaction was priceless! I have never seen that look of complete astonishment on his face! Firstly, I MUST ask: What acquisition video camera did you use? Your images stunned us, even on YOUTUBE! Your nature stills and live action captivated us. I am a fan. I will be watching all you do from now on.
Paul Mailath January 7th, 2009, 05:41 PM Fantastic! - I really loved this, and the quality from YouTube!!! - here I am improving my skill by the inch and you seem to go ahead in leaps and bounds. I'm dying to see the long form - I was hesitating on signing up but I still might.
Chris Swanberg January 7th, 2009, 09:14 PM Simply beautiful cinematography... vibrant rich color, perfectly executed edits, nice mix of music and image... just breathtaking.
I always watch and rewatch your work, hoping someday to see images like that come out of my camera. Thank you for another lesson.
I was not bothered by the native tongue, in fact I liked it... but I think I might have enjoyed subtitles for it... not a criticism... just offering my thought.
Nearer then end I was asking myself what more can he do, this craftsman... everything was soo... well... perfectly executed. THEN it hit me.... one squirrel COULD have held a reflector on the other one to fill in some of the darker shadow! Next time, eh? (smile)
I want to see the long version.... when it is done as well.
Thank you again.
Chris Swanberg
Catherine Russell January 7th, 2009, 09:54 PM Bravo Per!
This was masterful, beautiful and wonderfully entertaining. Wonderful idea incorporating the mastery of capturing still photos within your video. Allowing your friend, Ole to speak in his native tongue with you interpreting for us adds to the mystic. It worked very well. Fun choice of music, and a very seasonal and cute seed holder for the occasion.
Please let Ole know that he is welcome to stay with us here in Colorado whenever he wishes. We have American Kestrels, or Sparrow Hawks often in our back yard.
All the best, Per, in your long film challenge.
Lorinda Norton January 7th, 2009, 10:17 PM Let’s see how many words have been used already to describe your film: Breathtaking, stunning, flawless, beautiful, fine, awesome, fantastic, beautiful, masterful. Yes, that just about covers it.
One of the many talents you have honed is that of using light to its absolute best. Watching your films, particularly this one, makes me feel as if I am there--no, better than if I was there. I actually felt like I could reach out and touch Ole’s cap in one shot.
Did anyone say “perfect?” If not, that is the word I choose.
Per Johan Naesje January 8th, 2009, 01:20 AM Thanks all for your kind comments to my film!
I appreciate very much your comments which is of great important for my future filmmaking.
As you can view in the film, the small tits are almost sitting on your hand if you feed them for a period of time. Watch the Willow Tit sitting on the Gnome at 1:32 and you know what I mean.
There where other species who wasn't so cooperative, like the Jay (Garrulus glandarius) and Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major). They wasn't at all happy with one more person sitting on the spot!
My camera-setup is a Canon XL-H1 (HDV), for audio I use a Sennheiser ME-67 shotgun mic. Tripod (wich is of major important for me) is a hugh Miller Arrow HD weight of nearly 20 lbs! You should watch me carrying this setup on my back for long distances in the forest or at the montains!
There wasn't any time for me to do any color correction in post, so actually the colors you watch in the movie is direct from the camcorder! Of course it's not the default setting, but for now my little secret... hmmm!
I have noted the idea of the reflector, hmm... let me think...
As a one-man team, it's a lot to think about when you're on set. In your mind you have the ideas, the talents (wildlife creature) isn't at all cooperative, the weather is awfully, you have to watch the composition in the viewer, monitor the sound, watch you back for not so cooperative creature like bears, elk etc...
Wildlife docs is often - the track is laid out when you're walking - what I mean is that you can't script it in too much details, you never know what you get. But that's the thing a like beeing a wildlifecinemaphotographer, the big improvident - what's gonna happen today. Often after many, many hours in a blind... ...nothing at all!!! Patience is the key to succeed.
Tom Sherwood January 8th, 2009, 04:23 AM Apparently 'Per Johan Naesje' means 'Genius' in Norway. Amazing
I use a Canon XH-A1, which is the little brother to the XL-H1 if I remember right. More like red headed step brother cause my camera doesn't produce anywhere near those kind of images. (No offense to red heads or step brothers). My buddies and I were amazed at the quality of your movie. I blew it up on my big screen tv and we were blown away.
My only suggestion would be to add subtitles or a translator for Ole Arne, since your audience is English speaking (I assume that because your narration was in English).
Thank you for showing me what to aspire to.
Vidar Vedaa January 8th, 2009, 02:33 PM Hallo Per Johan.
Yes, Per how long time will it bee before wee se a broadcast film
from Per Johan. Not fare away I think. And again a really nice film.
The way you cut this film I think is great.
Nice Work!!!
All Best
Per Johan Naesje January 10th, 2009, 02:36 AM Apparently 'Per Johan Naesje' means 'Genius' in Norway. AmazingWow, you are going to make me blush! To be true, I'm really not doing anything different as others could do also! Much of the credit lays on my huge and trusty tripod, I think!
Yes, Per how long time will it bee before wee se a broadcast film
from Per Johan. Not fare away I think.
Well, it's not as easy as taking a walk in the park a sunday afternoon (I think...?) Let's see after the long-form-entry, hopefully I'll have a good story in there too?
Once again, thank you so much all for your kind comments!
Meryem Ersoz January 11th, 2009, 02:52 PM per, your films always move and inspire me, like watching a great musician produce beautiful notes. looking forward to the full "concert" version very much...
Steve Siegel January 11th, 2009, 06:38 PM Per:
Gorgeous footage, as usual. Our gray squirrels aren't as cute as yours. To see tassel-eared squirrels over here you have to go to the Grand Canyon.
Having seen your entry, a You Tube HD video, I uploaded some footage there. One and a half minutes took 7 hours to upload. Did your 5.5 minute film take over a day to upload,or is there a trick?
Per Johan Naesje January 12th, 2009, 05:33 AM Meryem:
Thanks for your kind comment to my entry. I'm very happy you liked it, makes me confident that I will continue this idea over at the long-form-uwol.
Thanks for your kind comments!
It took a couple of hours to upload this film to Youtube. The original file is H.264, size 139MB.
Note that I'm editing in FCP 6.0.5. Timeline setup is HDV 1080i50 (PAL). I'm not changing any settings at timeline (like ProRes) before exporting to the final H.264-file.
The export settings is: 1280x720, fps 25, AAC stereo 44.100kHz, compressor set to high quality.
When I'm done in FCP, I upload to Youtube, using the Bulk Upload Plugin, this also gives you a percentage upload status
Joseph Tran January 12th, 2009, 05:34 AM In addition to what the others said, I think this piece is one that truly crosses the bridge between the DVC and UWOL. It is wonderful as both a narrative and a nature piece.
Truly masterful work, Per -- thank you!
Per Johan Naesje January 14th, 2009, 04:34 AM Thanks for your kind comments Joseph!
Something happened to the Youtube version of this film. It doesn't play without stuttering at my place, so here is a vimeo version:
Norwegian Wood on Vimeo (