View Full Version : This Canon line for long-form recording?

Ian Slessor
January 5th, 2009, 03:43 PM
Hey all,

I have a pair of DVXs and I'd was thinking of selling them and going HD.

I don't have the coin right now for HMC150s..we bought a house.. and I was thinking either the Canon HG/HV line or the Panny line of flash recording cams.

As for the Canons how would they perform for shooting dance recitals, figure skating, plays, etc?

Looking into the HG/HV (have to say the tapeless flow of the HG is tempting) and coming from the DVX my concerns center around issues of manual control.

Lowlight performance.
No zebras for exposure.
You control either aperature OR shutter but not both.
Everything is controlled by a joystick.

With those factors considered would either the HG20 or HV30 or the new line that came out today be acceptable for the type of things I shoot?

I'm not worried about going from my sexy DVX cams to little Canons (I can pimp them up with matteboxes and other things)

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



Evan Donn
January 5th, 2009, 05:12 PM
sounds like the new line today might be better, specifically the HFS10 and 100. Looks like it addresses all of your concerns (full manual, controlled with a dial, zebras & peaking) with the only question being low light performance. The high megapixel sensor worries me a bit in that regard, but we won't really know how that works out until we can see some test footage.

Tripp Woelfel
January 5th, 2009, 06:14 PM
Lowlight performance.
No zebras for exposure.
You control either aperature OR shutter but not both.
Everything is controlled by a joystick.

I can only speak to the HV line as I have a 10 and a 30. I looked at the specs on the new HV40 briefly today and nothing jumped out with it as radically different than the HV30.

- Low light performance is significantly worse than my XH A1 - it literally falls apart
- I has zebras settable at 70 or 100 IRE
- You can control both iris and shutter - you lock one and tweak the other
- Joystick doesn't do everything - focus wheel is OK and the HV40 has a custom button

Tape or tapeless seems as personal as Coke or Pepsi. You pick it. I suspect the optical electronics of the HV and HG series are the same or as least really close.

Ian Slessor
January 5th, 2009, 07:00 PM
Thanks so much for the input.

I'll be checking out the new Canon line and we'll see what happens.

Ultimately,'s Scarlet for me. ;)

