View Full Version : Shotgun Mic?

Christopher Glavan
January 4th, 2009, 11:47 PM
Thought about bumping my original thread, but it kinda got hijacked and I don't want to confuse people as to my question:

I'm looking into an entry-level shotgun mic/boom for my short film hobby, and am wondering if anyone uses shotguns in tandem with lavs for ceremonies. Can I use a shotgun rig effectively on wedding shoots, or should I just keep it for my hobby?

Don Bloom
January 5th, 2009, 06:39 AM
shotguns have a place but IMO wedding ceremonies isn't one of them. Wait that sounds...
AH, Shotgun Mics. That's what I mean. ;-)

A shotgun mic is really no good inside when more than a couple of feet away so that should pretty much answer your question. Now having said that I do use a shotgun on my #2 camera but that is only used to pick up the music which is generally quite loud and in many cases amplified so picking it up with the shotgun doesn't present a problem. I use an AT 1800 dual channel receiver so I place a lav on the groom and the lectern which between the 2 get virtually all the speaking voices. I also have an AKG Blueline Hypercaroid on my #1 which in rare cases I use that to get ambient sound at a ceremony but very rarely.