Chad Dyle
January 4th, 2009, 09:14 AM
I purchased two 701HDV heads with 190XDB legs a while back. We are just getting around to using them, but I'm having some trouble with them. Both of the heads seem very tight, while one of them jumps every so often. I've loosened them up all of the way, but turning is very stiff. You can't start a slow pan without jerking the camera. It seems strange that both of them do this, but I can't find any other adjustments that I can make. I emailed Bogen a few weeks back, but I haven't heard anything from them.
Chris Soucy
January 4th, 2009, 02:53 PM
Not familiar with either head nor sticks so difficult to say if this is just normal behaviour for this level of kit or two faulty systems (the latter seems exceedingly far fetched but not impossible).
The question is, as they are obviously owned by a company/ organization, what's to be done if it is the former?
I can give you a whole spiel about how to prove whether it's the heads or the sticks or a combination of both, but that is pointless unless you have a plan of action when armed with the knowledge.
Likewise, I can give you a course of action that MAY (big may, could end up knackeing them as well) free up the heads, but is there any point if you don't have either the handyman ability or the organizational incentive to do so.
Of course, no real point freeing up the heads if the sticks are a major component of the problem.
I suppose what I'm saying is: Is there any way to return these units and the budget to buy better gear if so, or is this a "you're stuck with 'em" situation?
Chad Dyle
January 5th, 2009, 12:19 PM
I emailed Bogen again to see if they can help. My wife and one of our assistants really liked their smaller size (compared to the 501/503 combos). I also want to stick with Bogen because its easier to just have one plate on the camera and not having to worry which camera works with which tripod.
If I hear anything back from Bogen, I'll be sure to post.
J.B. Letchinger
January 31st, 2009, 08:07 AM
you won't hear much from Bogen.
These heads are very cheap..
you have to really work at it to get a good pan..
keeping them loose will probably make things worse -- transferring more jitter to the camera. There is a break-in period for all these heads... you've got to load em up and use em. Also, I don't believe the weight specs.... if it says 8 pounds, its probably good for 4.5 or 5... even then nah... If you can return them, go for it, or sell em! go to a rental house or sales place and try out different models with your camera... assistants will often pick light gear:
they're the ones carrying it! Especially if your "assistant" is your wife!! (just kidding)
I've got a monopod and a Sachtler 20 and nothing in between... I've been renting DV sticks when I need them, and have used many different kinds-- you definitely get what you pay for. consider yourself lucky if you can get away with $750 for a tripod system.