View Full Version : progressive or interlaced

Luke Oliver
January 3rd, 2009, 05:57 AM
can i get some quick responses just to see what most people are filming in

do u choose the 24p or 25p ( PAL) option or do u shoot the 60i 50i (PAL) option of for wedding filming ??

sorry for all the questions , this is all so new to me


Monday Isa
January 3rd, 2009, 07:36 AM
Hey Luke,
I film 30P and love it totally. I'll take it anytime over interlace when I'm doing my own jobs. When I work for other people it's whatever they will have me film in.

Stephen J. Williams
January 3rd, 2009, 10:07 AM
I think 24P looks great... Interlaced just looks odd to me now. The only disadvantage is that slow motion isn't as nice with 24P... But thats not enough for me to go back to interlaced.

Blake Cavett
January 3rd, 2009, 12:34 PM
I shoot interlaced. Why?

1) I like to use slo-mo a lot and like the way it looks.
2) The Z1u doesn't do progressive!
3) See #2!

Some will argue that progressive is a more professional look while interlaced isn't, but it's really just a personal choice.

J.J. Kim
January 3rd, 2009, 02:29 PM
I shoot 90% in 60i then de-interlace it when I export.
or rest 10% is shoot in 30p then use Twixtor of slow-mo.
I failed 24p big time with one of my client.

Stephen J. Williams
January 3rd, 2009, 02:43 PM
I failed 24p big time with one of my client.

How did this happen if you don't mind me asking?

Ger Griffin
January 4th, 2009, 09:30 AM
I made the switch recently to 25f but im still not sure if im doing the right thing.

50i was just silky smooth. Very Broadcast Television production looking.

Sometimes now I wonder am i trying and failing to get a film look when I would be better off

getting a good TV look.

Even though I haven't had any complaints with either, Im almost expecting a complaint some day about 25f.

Bruce Patterson
January 5th, 2009, 07:10 PM
can i get some quick responses just to see what most people are filming in

do u choose the 24p or 25p ( PAL) option or do u shoot the 60i 50i (PAL) option of for wedding filming ??

sorry for all the questions , this is all so new to me


We've shot mainly in 60i since we started. First on the VX2000s and then on the Z1Us. For '09 we're shooting 1080/30p. I agree that it comes down to personal taste and esthetics but I also can't see any practical use for an interlaced delivery for us at this point. If you do a ton of slomo you may want to keep interlaced, but we're moving further away from that so I'm not really concerned. I can always Twixtor 30p if I need to.

I was de-interlacing 60i for DVD and the web but hated that I was throwing out resolution to do this.

Hope that helps.

John Knight
January 5th, 2009, 08:34 PM
In a recent survey, when asked if they preferred interlaced or progressive, 100% of brides responded "What the F**K are you talking about??? - ohhh look there's me on the TV!!!!"

Peter Szilveszter
January 5th, 2009, 11:10 PM
For personal projects its 25p always. But it depends like I have a wedding coming up where the couple love slow motion so in that case I will just shoot 50i to save me the risk of using fluid motion/twixtor as the results don't always turn out well. But generally I stay on 25p as I don't have to do any extra de-interlacing so rendering times are cut down.

I think the whole resolution argument makes it sound like there is a massive difference, I haven never noticed the difference between a de-interlaced 50i footage vs 25p. I am sure If I do a still image analysis there is a difference but just watching it on an lcd/plasma I can't see the difference.

Other thing to keep in mind is that you are given a bit of extra light shooting in 25p so for reception situation you get that little bit less grain.

Ger Griffin
January 6th, 2009, 11:44 AM
In a recent survey, when asked if they preferred interlaced or progressive, 100% of brides responded "What the F**K are you talking about??? - ohhh look there's me on the TV!!!!"

So True,

Anyone I have asked so far what they thought of it didn't know what I was talking about.

And the extra stop of light with XHA1 in a wedding reception makes a huge difference.

Dave Blackhurst
January 6th, 2009, 05:15 PM
Leave the "tech talk" to these virtual water cooler discussions where we all know (or quickly learn) the terminology and what it means in a day to day practical shooting scenario.

I think most clients want the finished product to "look" stunningly good, and really probably won't care WHAT gear/settings/software/post effects/burn settings/etc.

Learn what works best for you and your gear, and preferably know how to tweak settings for special situations so you can do it as the situation requires.

I shoot interlaced, but have shot progressive with other cams I've owned, with HD either seems pretty usable (SD progressive definitely was nicer IMO). I render out at 24P, just seems to look a tad better than interlaced to me, but that could be just a hallucination!

Luke Oliver
January 7th, 2009, 06:58 AM
directed at bruce

so can u twixtor 25p for it still to look good, as good as 50i so to speak

J.J. Kim
January 7th, 2009, 12:13 PM
How did this happen if you don't mind me asking?

The groom said 24p looks too choppy. I guess he meant the film look.
you can read the post here:

For Luke,
directed at bruce

so can u twixtor 25p for it still to look good, as good as 50i so to speak
I tried 60i vs 30p vs 24p twixtor all in 50% slow mo. I was shooting my son dancing and jumping (he is 2 1/2 years old), and 60i gave me the best result, 30p was acceptable, 24p no luck. that's the same reason that slow mo with twixtor did not work well with the wedding that I shot in 24p.

Stephen J. Williams
January 7th, 2009, 12:56 PM

I would you say that your situation was just unfortunate. I thought your video looked great. I would think that the chance of someone not liking the 24p look is slim to none.

How does the xh-a1 work in 24p??? I shoot with the DVX100B it has two options for 24p. One it shoots 24p and lays it on the tape at 29.97 frames. This is the option that I use since i dont have to to change my timeline settings from 24p to interlaced in post.
My idea is to switch to interlaced when I feel there is a shot that I would like to slow down (Ie, bouquet toss). Since it's slowed down there wouldn't be an obvious difference between the 24p and the interlaced footage.
I've yet to actually do this, but i do plan on trying it out in the future. Maybe you could do the same with your camera.

J.J. Kim
January 7th, 2009, 01:31 PM
My idea is to switch to interlaced when I feel there is a shot that I would like to slow down (Ie, bouquet toss). Since it's slowed down there wouldn't be an obvious difference between the 24p and the interlaced footage.
I've yet to actually do this, but i do plan on trying it out in the future. Maybe you could do the same with your camera.

I did exactly what you said above and got away with positive feedback from the groom.
Funny thing, the bride was happy with everything I did for the video whether it was 24p or 60i (the couple did not have enough money to budget the video and the bride was a cousin of my ex-boss, so I gave them like 40% off for the whole thing, so).
I really like progressive feel, but I just don't know when I am going to need that super slow-mo for creating dramatic+smooth slow-mo... also de-interlacing at the end do take a lot more time, but totally worth it for me.


Bruce Patterson
January 7th, 2009, 02:59 PM
directed at bruce

so can u twixtor 25p for it still to look good, as good as 50i so to speak

Hi Luke,

I don't think you'll find that 25p "Twixtored" is ever as "good" as interlaced for slomo, simply because one is working with the original footage (50i) and the other one is digitally altered to smoothen out the footage (25p). I think as long as Twixtor can help you with your slomo and it doesn't look choppy (i.e. you're still happy with the overall production value) then it could be a good solution for you.

For me, I'm okay with less than smooth slomo in favor of shooting a production progressive - I just prefer the way it looks.

Hope that helps!