View Full Version : Little test of 3 AVCHD streams in PowerDirector 7

Lorenzo Asso
January 2nd, 2009, 01:45 PM
Here it is my clip video while i'm trying PD7, trying to manage 3 1920x1080 footages together:

3 AVCHD streams in PowerDirector 7 on Vimeo (

Nice software, and i supports intel core i7...I believe that will boost all others software to update faster...


Larry Horwitz
January 2nd, 2009, 02:09 PM
Your video on Vimeo really show how well a laptop can handle AVCHD with Power Director 7. It is quite amazing compared to all of the other AVCHD software I have here, from all of the companies making AVCHD editing.

There are still a couple very bad bugs..... one in smart rendering and the other in the menu designer. When these are fixed, I will rate this product an A+.
