View Full Version : Multiple cameras - live production

Eivind Vaa
September 3rd, 2003, 11:29 AM
I'm looking for resources on live productions for television and general broadcast. Does anyone know of sites on the net, articles, books or other on this subject?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Mike Moncrief
September 3rd, 2003, 12:13 PM

if you are looking for a system that will give you the capability to do a live production with multiple cameras.. You may be interested in the VT3 by Newtek.
website is


Mike Rehmus
September 3rd, 2003, 02:11 PM
The seminal book, "Television Production Handbook," was written by Herbert Zettl, a Professor at San Francisco State University. It is into its 6th or 7th revision IIRC. Hold on to your hat as it is $95 new at Amazon.

He has written another book, "Televison Production Workbook" that is also useful.

This URL will bring it up at Amazon:

These are the books we use in teaching television production at the local community college.

With the level of intensity necessary to get a crew to produce a live show, I'm not certain one can ever learn it completely from a book. I think it takes hands-on experience under the assistance of people who have done it before.

The technology and approach are moderately different from industrial video production. The coordination and judgement necessary to bring off a good live production is massively different.

If you need to get up to speed quickly, I'd find the nearest university that teaches the subject and talk to the professors & staff.