View Full Version : Playback stops when clicking outside of application

Dan Robinson
December 31st, 2008, 01:55 AM
Is there a way to keep Premiere (CS3) from stopping playback whenever you click anywhere outside the app (such as accessing the volume control in the system tray)?

I'm doing an audio check on a long project, and I'm wanting to just play the timeline while I work in other applications. Whenever I minimize or switch to another window, Premiere stops playback.

Google and forum search turned up nil.

Tripp Woelfel
December 31st, 2008, 07:43 AM
I don't think so. Premier has always worked this way going back to release 1.0. Not PP 1.0, the original Premier 1.0.

You could export the audio from the project timeline and play it back in an audio player like WinAmp. That way you could go anywhere and it would still play. A word of caution though. If you install an audio player make sure that it doesn't bring a lot of codecs with it. That can mess up the codecs in Premier. I know this from experience.

I have CS3 and WinAmp on my laptop and haven't had any problems.

Paul Del Vecchio
January 1st, 2009, 02:46 PM
Yeah, Premiere has always been that way. Even if you click on the bins window(project window) it will stop playing. That's a feature in Premiere that I've always disliked but then again, no other program keeps playing other than Vegas I believe.