View Full Version : balance my tripod

Mark Stuart
December 30th, 2008, 08:51 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm thinking of getting a new tripod for my run and gun home movies, etc. I have a really nice pro Davis & Sanford fluid head that I love, except it's pretty heavy for run and gun, plus, and this is my question, in order to balance it I have to do so by adjusting the leg lengths instead of loosening a knob just under the head. What is that even called??? I probably really ought to know being in video for years and that's what I've always worked with on the job... anyway, I'm considering a fluid head (got to be that, I won't shoot with anything less), lightweight and be able to balance it just below the head. Any suggestions?


Don Bloom
December 30th, 2008, 09:00 PM
what kind of budget do you have?

As for what the head is called-it's a 'ball head'- IOW you need a 'ball' to fit the legs and install the head to that-then you can level the head as you described.

As for which one, again it depends on the budget. I've been using Bogen 515 legs with a 516 head for quite a while (I've since sold the head as I'm no longer using a full size camera) but it worked very well with a 18-22 lb rig.

Theres also the Bogen 526 which is a true fluid head and of course theres O'connor, Sacthler andthe D&S that you already have.

Pays your money takes your choice.


Tripp Woelfel
December 30th, 2008, 09:03 PM
Any suggestions?

To avoid shooting in the dark, so to speak, need to know your budget, what you'll want to shoot (slow or fast action), weight. You know things like that so we can narrow down the choices. I like the value provided by the Cartoni Focus but it might be a little dear and a little heavy. Carbon fiber legs are lighter but cost more.

Mark Stuart
December 30th, 2008, 09:24 PM
well, I'd like to keep things under $200. Thanks for the "ball head" term... never heard that one, but it makes sense.

David W. Jones
December 30th, 2008, 11:16 PM
$200 might get you a monopod for run & gun work.

Don Bloom
December 31st, 2008, 07:09 AM
With a $200 budget you'd better start searching the big auction site. There is nothing out there of any quality for $200 or less. The only other thing is to look at say a Bogen 501HDV or 503HDV head and then of course you need the legs.
Come to think of it, keep what you've got, save up more bucks get something decent.
Don't buy cheap it'll cost you more in the long run.


Paul R Johnson
December 31st, 2008, 08:05 AM
Might be worth noting that what you're looking for is a levelling system, not a balancing head. Balancing is the adjustment fore and aft to get the centre of gravity in the right place. Levelling systems us the bowl type fittings people are talking about. The only confusion is the ball/bowl size. 50/75/100/125 size bowls are common, with 75mm being usual for head such as the clones distributed under Manfrotto/Bogen/Vinten. I rather dislike them myself, never finding settings that quite suit. Libecs have a better feel, but most of these we're talking about are rather more expensive. On eBay, even old good ones fetch decent money.

What sort of camera are you wanting to support?

Mark Stuart
December 31st, 2008, 02:10 PM
Might be worth noting that what you're looking for is a levelling system, not a balancing head. Balancing is the adjustment fore and aft to get the centre of gravity in the right place. Levelling systems us the bowl type fittings people are talking about. The only confusion is the ball/bowl size. 50/75/100/125 size bowls are common, with 75mm being usual for head such as the clones distributed under Manfrotto/Bogen/Vinten. I rather dislike them myself, never finding settings that quite suit. Libecs have a better feel, but most of these we're talking about are rather more expensive. On eBay, even old good ones fetch decent money.

What sort of camera are you wanting to support?

Looking to support my Sony DCR VX2100 Mini DV.

There are a few (very few, but they do exist) fluid head tripods for under 2 bills, but I haven't seen one with the leveling/ball head. There are tons of opportunities on ebay and I'm ok with used. I know what you mean about not buying cheap, too. Been there before and it's not worth it in the long run.

David W. Jones
January 1st, 2009, 09:01 AM
Maybe just adding this will take care of your woes.

"Bogen Manfrotto 438 Compact Camera Leveler"

Mark Stuart
January 1st, 2009, 02:56 PM
Maybe just adding this will take care of your woes.

"Bogen Manfrotto 438 Compact Camera Leveler"

Interesting! That might just do it. Thanks!