View Full Version : How's it going?

Lorinda Norton
December 30th, 2008, 03:34 AM
It’s sure quiet out there…Still shooting? Editing your brains out?? Done???

For those of you uploading on the DV Challenge side of the contest, here’s the drill:

After you’ve uploaded to either Vimeo or YouTube (or both) and checked the link, send an email to Subject line should include DVC 15/UWOL, your name, and the name of your film.

Text in the body should be in this form so it can be pasted:

Your Name
“Best Film Ever”
Vimeo/ YouTube link to your film

Easy as pie. Mmmm…pie…time for a late night snack. Then it's back to editing...

Andris Krastins
December 30th, 2008, 08:11 AM
I sent you the email some week ago. I hope you got it.

Lucky new year! :)

Dale Guthormsen
December 30th, 2008, 01:00 PM
Good afternoon,

Well, disaster has struck. I have 2.4 minutes on the time line.

Key scenes are in the camera and the camera has gone dead.

I bumped the fu 1000 cord out slightly and it blew the internal fuse in the camera.

It may be the shark tank for dale for the first time sence we started the challenge.

Andris Krastins
December 30th, 2008, 01:12 PM
ouch...... :( sorry to hear...
Can't you mechanically recover the tape, capture it from another device?
The show must go on! :)

Per Johan Naesje
December 30th, 2008, 05:57 PM
Noooo Dale! Too bad you got those problems! Hope you're able to fix it, maybe capture with another camcorder? Maybe some of your neighbours have one you can borrow?

Anyway, I'm still editing my entry. Must go out tomorrow and capture some final shoots which I need. Weather forecast says -9-10 degree celsius, cold enough for me to get those shoots I need!

How are you guys doing?

Vidar Vedaa
December 30th, 2008, 06:22 PM
Dale, bed news!!

but you will make it, rememder wee lock forword to your work.
And wee are going in to a exiting year I think.

I have some day in the mountain, very relaxed and whit rely nice light.
Edited my cuts yesterday,so I have send my film.

The best to you all.



Dale Guthormsen
December 30th, 2008, 08:47 PM
Good Evening,

Well, no the tape can't be retrieved. Camera sent off today.

I dug out the old Gl2, organized all my gear, cleaned lenses etc. Was planning to go out tomarrow and in hopes of getting shots to fill the void.

then 15 minutes ago I got a call from My son and he is up from Lost Wages, Nevada and I am to go pick him up, there goes 5 hours of my day!!!!

I guess it could be worse.

It is tomarrow or nothing!!!

Dick Mays
December 31st, 2008, 06:51 PM
I don't have an official entry for this one. But I did go sailing with my kids while it was cold. Motivated by DVC15, but not up to the standards for an entry.

YouTube - sailing2 (

Dale Guthormsen
December 31st, 2008, 10:20 PM

Ahhhh, I would like to be out on my hobie cat right now. Our water is a little to cold.

Robert Martens
January 2nd, 2009, 02:53 PM
Well, I ended up in the same boat as Dick, no pun intended, and while I didn't get an official entry of my own completed, I did shoot something that goes with the theme of "cold". If anyone's looking for a decent point and shoot digital camera that also records nice HD video, take a look at one of the clips I got with my new T500 ( Boring content-wise, but it's purdy.

Later that same day, my dad and I were shoveling the driveway to keep it from freezing (see? Fits the theme perfectly) before my mom got home, and I managed to test out the camera in low light conditions ( (complete with me mumbling to myself!). I may be crazy, but I rather enjoy the sodium vapor glow on the underside of the clouds on nights like that. The camera didn't do too poorly; for that size at that price, I cannot possibly complain.

And I did manage to help out Lorinda with her entry, so I didn't completely fail. Maybe just staple a couple of my fingers to the Wall?