View Full Version : fisheye reccomendations?

Bruce S. Yarock
December 27th, 2008, 09:12 PM
I've been thinking about getting a fisheye, but can't epend the $600 for the century Optics Hd model. Has anyone found anything else that is cheaper and still gives a decent image?
Bruce Yarock
Yarock Video and Photo (

Bob Hart
December 28th, 2008, 04:39 AM

If you are already using a 35mm adaptor, have a look at the Peleng f3.5 8mm fisheye with Nikon mount. You may have to fool around with the backfocus to get it right, maybe even operate it without the clear screw-on filter on back to compensate for the glass panel in adaptors behind the lenses.


You may need to zoom in a bit closer with the Letus to get inside the natural vignette of this style of lens. It covers corner to corner on the standard motion picture frame.

A vendor in the former Soviet Union has supplied two lenses to me without hassles but that was two years ago or thereabouts. They are beginning to turn up second-hand on that famous auction site which shan't be named but starts with an "e".

The Zenitar 16mm f2.8 fhisheye lens is cheaper, has a wider view but is more prone to flare and has an apparent softer image. The skydivers apparently like it though.

With my home made adaptor, I was able to re-adjust the lens centre axis downwards which makes for a more natural composition of a groundlevel view. You don't have this option with the P+S Technik Mini35, Pro35 or the Letus Extreme but may be cheatable with the Brevis and Letus Ultimate which I have heard have an axis adjustment. I don't know yay or nay for the Redrock M2 or SGPro/Blade.

Bruce S. Yarock
December 28th, 2008, 08:34 AM
thanks, Bob. I was thinking more of one to use when I'm not using the Letus, just on the end of the stock lens. But i'll also check one of these out.
Bruce Yarock
Yarock Video and Photo (