View Full Version : Fed up with "FREE" Drivers !!

Ron Cooper
December 27th, 2008, 07:07 PM
I find increasingly nowadays that when you want to download the latest driver for a device that you spend ages hunting for, that you get shunted to "FREE" downloads that are any thing BUT, that is after you have given them your details.

Where possible I try to go to the manufacturer's site but even these are not always very supportive. - As an example, I tried going to the Liteon site but it was most unhelpful and after "Googling" all I got was these "FREE" things that in the end weren't. - Any suggestions ?


Jeff Harper
December 27th, 2008, 07:49 PM
I absolutely agree with you regarding those site, I avoid them.

I have been fortunate in that my burners, etc., for the last couple of years have been sonys and pioneers, and they offer relatively easy downloads of drivers and firmware.

I personally have found Liteon to not be my favorite manufacturer. They are inexpensive and have a decent reputation I suppose, but since I switched to other brands I have had much better luck overall in every way.

I have owned a few liteons and they didn't last.