View Full Version : Which commercial should I run?

Rick Lang
December 27th, 2008, 12:01 AM
Hey guys, I am just starting out my business and I am going to run a commercial on tv. I have made 2 commercials. They have the same material to work with but a different feel between the two of them. Could you guys let me know what you are thinking when you watch both of them? I have put both videos into one just to make it easier. Thanks guys. I love dvinfo... amazing job all around!

You can watch the video here:
YouTube - Sundown Pictures Commercial #1 & #2 (

Tripp Woelfel
December 27th, 2008, 07:35 AM
I definitely like #2 better. It "feels" more integrated and all of a piece than #1. Some clever production elements in there.

Not to rain on your parade but while it's clear that you shoot weddings, there's not much in there that tells me what your "unique value proposition" is. My 30+ years of experience in marketing tells me that you really need this. If you can distill it down to a short catch phrase, so much the better.

I think you could also beef up your call to action. As a quick thought, I'd recommend that you use the spot to drive prospects to a Web site where they could explore your samples at their leisure and get more information. There are other options that might work better for you so you might want to noodle that one for a bit. I'm not sure a phone call is the best call to action you could use here.

If I was going to run TV spots, I'd want to make sure that it integrated into the overall marketing/sales strategy. You can use the advertising dollars you spend to leverage "suspects" into other elements of your marketing strategy to convert them into "prospects".

Think of the ancient sales funnel analogy. It's been around since the earth cooled, but it's still around because it works.

Remember, my advice is worth everything you paid for it. (grin)

Rick Lang
December 27th, 2008, 11:35 AM
Thanks a lot for the info. That really helps a lot on not only for commercials but my business in whole as well. Anybody else want to give me some insght?

Vince Lucena
December 27th, 2008, 12:06 PM
#1 for me :-) The background color is not as loud as the second version.

Have some other folks outside of your peers look at it. Perhaps asking them specific questions regarding what message they got out of it etc.

Good Luck..

Jason Robinson
December 27th, 2008, 07:37 PM
Hey guys, I am just starting out my business and I am going to run a commercial on tv. I have made 2 commercials. They have the same material to work with but a different feel between the two of them. Could you guys let me know what you are thinking when you watch both of them? I have put both videos into one just to make it easier. Thanks guys. I love dvinfo... amazing job all around!

You can watch the video here:
YouTube - Sundown Pictures Commercial #1 & #2 (

(with out cheating and reading what the people above had to say)....

I'd say absolutely #2. Something about it was just more "Wedding" (in a good way). The first was harsher, it seemed a bit less romantic.

Edit: And my wife, who gets to put up with my showing her all of ya'll samples and me complaining about how I can't seem to match that quality, says she likes #2 better.

In our lie of work, when in doubt, ask a woman for her "feelings" because that is probably a good indicator of what the customers might like.

Rick Lang
December 27th, 2008, 07:57 PM
I agree. The first one was made. Then I thought what the bride would probably want to see more so I made the second one with brides to be in mind. Any more thoughts?

Dave Blackhurst
December 27th, 2008, 09:07 PM
Music on #1 was definitely too "heavy" - you want something light and cheerful. Audio makes a HUGE difference, frankly I think a lot of people "wander off" to something else during commercial breaks, and unless they "hear" something that makes them interested, they won't even see your message...

Longer spots with an audio endorsement or at least a catchy tagline like "Sundown productions to remember your perfect wedding forever" (OK that sucked, but I'm typing freeform here) would be of benefit. FWIW