View Full Version : Mixing 720p and 1080i w/ the HD7

Brian Scheffler
December 25th, 2008, 12:28 PM
I love my HD7 and use it all the time and edit with Avid Media Composer.

For Christmas I got a small pocket-sized 720p recorder (DXG-567V). Yes, it is small and doesn't compare to the HD7, but I wanted something to carry in my pocket wherever I am. In outdoor lighting, the camera works great and actually surprised me with the quality.

The problem is that I have never worked with 720p before. I understand the difference between progressive and interlaced video, but when I play the video from the small camera to my 1080i TV, I can clearly notice the progressive video and it is extremely distracting. But when I play the video from this camera on 720p monitor I have, it looks great. Is the TV not recognizing that it is 720p? I hook the camera directy up to the TV with component video.

Secondly, I am trying to edit some clips from this camera with clips from my HD7 within Avid. I use MPEGStreamClip to convert the clips into the DNxHD codec and I'm able to import them into Avid fine and they play and edit fine.

However, when I export a sequence back out to my HD7 for viewing on an HD monitor, the same problem occurs. My 1080i monitor "studders" when clips from the 720p video are shown but 1080i clips from the HD7 in that same sequence play fine.

As before, when playing a 1080i sequence with 720p clips on a 720p monitor, all video looks great.

Any suggestions on how I can use this 720p footage together with my HD7's 1080i?


And Merry Christmas!


Steve Mullen
December 29th, 2008, 03:06 AM
The one thing in common with your problems, is your 1080i HDTV.

All HDTVs should play 720p30 by repeating each frame twice. But, your HDTV may only accept 720p60. Is it a PC monitor by chance?

PS1: I assume you convert 720p30 to 1080i60 DNxHD?

PS2: How do you get the correct (TPG) needed for the HD7?

Brian Scheffler
December 29th, 2008, 11:34 AM
Hi Steve,

Yes, I convert both the HD7 footage and the little camera footage to DNxHD 1080i 59.94fps.

Like you said, maybe my HDTV doesn't like 720p 30fps. But shouldn't that not be a problem since I converted the video to 1080i 60fps? (then edited a timeline with Avid and then exported back to the camera with PowerDirector Express)

I'm a little confused by your second question "PS2: How do you get the correct (TPG) needed for the HD7?"

Thanks much!
