View Full Version : Clip Browser Problem - Cannot Downconvert to DV

John Hewat
December 22nd, 2008, 08:06 PM

Finally updated to 2.0, then to

But the downconversion to DV AVI and DV RAW won't work. The error says:

A clip that cannot be exported is included. A parameter that isn't supported is specified, or Mark Out is set before Mark In.

But I don't have an in/out point in the wrong spot, so it must an unsupported parameter... but which one? I've tried everything!

I can make WMV and iPod settings work just fine - but not downcoversion to SD.

Any ideas? Sorry if this has been addressed - I searched heaps for the answer but couldn't find any.

Thanks again,

-- John.

John Hewat
December 22nd, 2008, 08:14 PM
Ok so Clip Browser cannot take 24p footage and downconvert it (to either PAL or NTSC) because the frame rate is wrong.

This however, is despite the TOOLS, OPTIONS, CONVERSION Tab showing 24p as an included part of NTSC...

Am I missing something?

Craig Seeman
December 22nd, 2008, 08:35 PM
In ClipBrowser 2.00 PDF Manual on Page 57 next to Raw DV and AVI DV there's a note C) 23.98 clips cannot be converted.