View Full Version : My Peaking has dissappeared

Graeme Fullick
December 22nd, 2008, 04:00 PM
Since I have had my cameras firmware updated to 1.11, I cannot get the peaking to work at all. It was working perfectly before I had the firmware update.

Is there any other way to switch peaking off other than in the main menu? I currently have it set to red and high - I have also tried all of the colours and high, low and medium - all to no avail.

Before I make the long trip back to the dealer I just wanted to make absolutely sure that there was no other way of switching it off. I miss it enormously as it is essential for achieving sharp focus in HD.

All help is much appreciated.

Graeme Fullick
December 22nd, 2008, 04:31 PM
OK Guys - solved it myself. Full camera re-set and all was well. Damn computers!

Tom Roper
December 22nd, 2008, 07:29 PM
Well, yeah there is a way besides the menu. It's the button on the side of the cam that turns it on and off, right next to the button that turns zebras on and off.

Graeme Fullick
December 23rd, 2008, 06:23 PM
Yeah I knew about that one Tom - but my problems were deeper than that. Dealer advised system re-set and it worked, so now I am happy.