Alex Sprinkle
December 16th, 2008, 08:50 PM
How many of you have ever used footage from one wedding in another wedding? Maybe all 3 of your shots had someone stand in front of them, or whatnot, but the shot couldn't be used. The B-roll you had from that wedding was shot, but didn't fit, but you remember you just shot a wedding at this church last year at this time. I've only done a minor number, but I didn't know if this was ever done. Does this happen?
Tim Harjo
December 16th, 2008, 09:21 PM
I have not.. but I suppose as a last resort, I could. Say if I didn't get an establishing shot of the outside of the Church/ Venue.. That would probably be it.
Dawn Brennan
December 17th, 2008, 01:15 PM
Say if I didn't get an establishing shot of the outside of the Church/ Venue.. That would probably be it.
I have done this... quite deliberately. I have several weddings at a couple local churches, and as long as the season/decor match, I reuse it. That way, I know I have a solid shot to use, verses shooting again. Sometimes I'll play around and get creative knowing that I have a back up at home.
BUT I have never done it during the ceremony or anything... although it would be funny to see if they notice that they don't know a single person at the church!
Marion Abrams
December 17th, 2008, 08:34 PM
I have done this with scene setting exteriors of the town or venue. Not because there was a problem but because I could be more efficient on the day of shoot knowing those were already in the can.
Jaron Tauch
December 20th, 2008, 08:55 PM
I've actually compiled a folder of various establishing shots for popular venue's and churches around Chicago. Saves time on the day and your back by not having to lug camera+tripod lord knows how far to get a nice shot of the church/hall. Just make sure there's no giveaways in the shot..