View Full Version : F335 Frame Size Question

Daniel Larson
December 15th, 2008, 10:34 AM
I just started shooting with a F335. I shot in 4x3 DVCAM mode. The project involved two other Sony cameras docked to DSR1 DVCAM backs. Timecode was locked between all three cameras and recorded as a three camera shoot. I digitized the DSR1 footage into FCP using a AJA IOHD as usual. I brought the F335 footage in FCP using Sony's XDCAM Transfer software. I attempted to multiclip the 3 clips together to make a three camera multiclip sequence but had an error warning. FCP said the DSR1 clips are 720x486 and the XDCAM clips are 720x480 and are not compatible for multiclip editing. The workaround was to edit the DSR1 edited clips via multicam and then edit in the XDCAM clips separately.

For future three camera projects using the F335 I've been looking in the XDCAM manual to see if I can change the frame size to 720x486 and make FCP happy (and me) but have not found any menu settings for that option. Any ideas what I'm overlooking?

Dan Larson

Daniel Larson
December 15th, 2008, 10:55 AM
Looks like changing my Final Cut Pro capture and sequence settings to DV 3:2 for the DSR1 originated footage might be the answer instead of looking for a way to change the 335. I am on the right track?


Scot Olson
December 15th, 2008, 02:00 PM
I am on the right track?


Yes. Capturing DV native source footage over Firewire rather than via the IOHD might be a better workflow. Use the IOHD for monitoring and layback to higher quality formats like Digibeta.

Greg Boston
December 15th, 2008, 02:28 PM
Looks like changing my Final Cut Pro capture and sequence settings to DV 3:2 for the DSR1 originated footage might be the answer instead of looking for a way to change the 335. I am on the right track?


That's exactly right. You can't change the 335 frame size.
