View Full Version : Gitzo 1380 Help

Nick Wilcox-Brown
December 14th, 2008, 08:06 AM
Can anyone on list please give help?

I have a new Gitzo 1380 head, and I'm trying to fit the correct spring. The diagram is straightforward, and it should be no problem...

Pic 1 This is how the internals look before touching anything

As it is new, there is no plate to remove (according to my interpretation of the instructions), so I drop the spring down over the (male) centre piece, add the washer and then tighten down the bolt with the allen key - or am I missing something that is not in the instructions? The allen headed bolt drops down neatly, but is slightly too small to grip the threads - have Gitzo really packed the wrong bolt, or is there something I'm doing wrong?

Pic 2 I have slid the spring down over what is shown in pic2, added the washer and bolt. This is how I think it should fit, but the bolt seems too small

Hope I'm not being dumb here? Really appreciate some insight - I'm prepping for a 2 week trip.

Thank you!


Chris Soucy
December 14th, 2008, 09:57 PM
The two links you posted appear to do nothing (here at least).

The system you show in the pic's is pretty similat to the Vinten system.

If the bolt won't bite in the threads, there's no doubt about it, it's the wrong bolt.

Go get 'em Tiger.


Nick Wilcox-Brown
December 15th, 2008, 02:58 AM
Thanks for your insight Chris. IMHO the bolts are wrong, but couldn't quite be sure that I was not missing something obvious.

The two links you posted appear to do nothing (here at least)

I've not added pics before, guess its back to reading the manual!


Chris Soucy
December 15th, 2008, 11:57 AM
actually the Gallery is bust, vaguely remember seeing a post about it a week or so ago.

The two you sent as attachments did do the job.