View Full Version : Semi Quick question about permissions

Francis Nelson
December 12th, 2008, 11:14 PM
I have been reading this forum for several weeks now researching about various cameras that are available because I really want to purchase one soon. Ive narrowed it down and I've made my decision for the most part. Ive been going to all of the sites listed here as sponsors and checked various other resources (like a million times a day for weeks, I'm obsessive over making sure I investigate every option) and 1 thing keeps driving me crazy. I want to check this section of this forum: I've seen it posted in discussions. I'm a new member but I received an email saying my account was activated and then validated.

I totally understand that selling things is not the point of this site and offered as a courtesy to users....but since I know that it is here I cant help but thinking there might be an amazing deal out there that I am not aware of it because I don't have permission to see this section. Is there a minimum amount of posts I have to make or is it at the discretion of the moderators? Whatever the case may be its fine with me I just could not find any rules about this and I want to clear this up before I drop some cash.

If this post is not allowed just let me know and I will delete it, once I pull the trigger and get a camera I'm gonna need to be able to ask all of my newbie questions.


Chris Hurd
December 13th, 2008, 01:08 AM
Classifieds will become visible after 60 days.

Chris Soucy
December 13th, 2008, 03:05 AM
I have been reading this forum for several weeks now researching about various cameras that are available because I really want to purchase one soon. Ive narrowed it down and I've made my decision for the most part.

I would suggest you ask your "newbie" questions BEFORE you buy a camera, not after.

It's too bloody late AFTER!

As for the rules, well, thems the rules.

CH Rules.


Francis Nelson
December 13th, 2008, 09:36 AM
no prob-fair enough, that is all I needed to know....and i really don't have any newbie questions I have not already found the answer to but Ill do my best to come up with some.