Harm Millaard
December 12th, 2008, 11:43 AM
I am looking for a NAS solution that supports iSCSI. One reasonably priced possibility is the Thecus N7700 (see: Thecus N7700 - Ultimate Network Attached Storage (NAS) | NAS server, Storage server expert (http://www.thecus.com/products_over.php?cid=11&pid=82)).
Question: Anybody have any experience with this brand/model you wish to share or do you have alternatives that are also reasonable priced? HBA controllers with Jumbo packets are nice but not an absolute necessity.
Tripp Woelfel
December 13th, 2008, 07:30 AM
I am looking for a NAS solution that supports iSCSI. One reasonably priced possibility is the Thecus N7700 (see: Thecus N7700 - Ultimate Network Attached Storage (NAS) | NAS server, Storage server expert (http://www.thecus.com/products_over.php?cid=11&pid=82)).
Question: Anybody have any experience with this brand/model you wish to share or do you have alternatives that are also reasonable priced? HBA controllers with Jumbo packets are nice but not an absolute necessity.
I gave your link a squiz and the specs look decent, as far as they go. There are a couple of things that bother me though.
-Nary a phone number in sight. This suggest support might be an issue.
-No data rates given, which for our application is key.
-It appears you supply your own drives from their recommended list. They don't support drives?
You may have found more information that answers these questions, but I'd be reticent to plunk any money down without satisfactory answers.
I cannot offer any alternative products as I've been out of the storage game for a while and some of the newest technology is now beyond my expertise. However, RAID and JBOD systems are no longer the specialized (read expensive) devices they once were. The commoditized nature of their components make them much more financially available to users like you and me.
Others may have more informed recommendations to make. I'd be curious as to your ultimate decision.