View Full Version : preset for documentary: what if I change to automatic shooting?

Terwingen Niels
December 11th, 2008, 09:11 PM

I am looking for a preset for documentary use. its maybe going to be blown up to bigscreen so I guess I need a Cine gamma 2 setting?
but what happens if I shoot with a preset in manual mode and suddenly wanne change to full automatic in rushed and difficult situations? do I loose the preset or not?


Marcel D. Van Someren
December 11th, 2008, 10:40 PM

I am looking for a preset for documentary use. its maybe going to be blown up to bigscreen so I guess I need a Cine gamma 2 setting?
but what happens if I shoot with a preset in manual mode and suddenly wanne change to full automatic in rushed and difficult situations? do I loose the preset or not?


No, the preset stays. just the white balance, focus, gain, iris, etc. goes automatic which will change the look somewhat.

Terwingen Niels
December 12th, 2008, 07:58 PM
thanks for the info.