Nawaf Alali
August 31st, 2003, 01:46 PM
I have a mic connected to a mixer, and the output put to the MA-100. now, I don't want to set the Rec Levels on the XL1s to auto. I wanna have complete control, so I set it to manual.
the question is: which level should I set it to? i want it to match the mixer's output.
Don Palomaki
September 1st, 2003, 06:26 AM
If the camera is close to the mixer so noise pickup by unbalanced lines is not an issue, use the tape output of the mixer connected to the Audio 1 input at consumer line level (about -10 dBV nominal).
If you are running longer lines and need balanced circuits to minimumize noise pickup, set the miner to mic level output (on the order of -35 dBV if you can) and run balanced cables to the MA-100/200 mixer with the XL1 input set to MIC ATT setting on Audio 1.
Do not send a line level signal to the MA-100/200, it goes into clipping at around consumer line level (-10 dBV). If you have to send out a line level signal from the mixer, put an appropriate attenuator at the input to the MA-100/200.
Nawaf Alali
September 1st, 2003, 08:46 AM
well, i'll most probably run tape out from mixer to Audio 1. So which one is -10 dBV nominal? I assume it's it's setting the Rec Level right in the middle, right?
Don Palomaki
September 2nd, 2003, 04:05 AM
The Audio1 input sensitivity is set from the menu system. Use the meters to judge the level.