View Full Version : GY-HD200 Color Settings

Akbar Ukani
December 10th, 2008, 09:16 PM
Hey Guys...I had to send my JVC again for repair because the Firewire port blew out Again!!...well, I left my memory card in the slot and I know that they will format the entire camera thus erasing the memory card....They did it last time too...anyhow I had all my color settings on the card and I don't have the settings written down anywhere on paper...just wondering if any of you can give me the settings to achieve "true color" i.e (gamma, knee, RGB settings and so forth)...I shoot a lot of weddings..(mostly American and Asian Indian)...any help would be appreciated

Ted Ramasola
December 11th, 2008, 03:02 AM
I highly recommend Tim Dashwood's Superwide as a basepoint. Then you can perhaps use a stretch at 1 or normal instead of 5.

The red, which is the critical channel in this camera, is rendered well in this setting.

I use Paolo's Truecolor V3 on our hd100, take note that it wont work on the hd200.

Paolo's truecolor for the HD200 tend to overboost the reds.

Adam Letch
December 11th, 2008, 05:33 AM
yes i pull back the red a few notches, i find the saturation so high the colour almost bleeds. Can highly recommend it though, haven't actually tried Tims wide yet, but you'll find they're probably very close as they were both trying to attain the greatest latitude for the camera.

good luck
