Jase Tanner
December 9th, 2008, 11:58 PM
When I bought my D50 I don't think the 8GB nor the 16 were on the market yet. My manual and the Sony web site say the largest one you can use is the 4GB. Emailed Sony support, so far no answer. I'd like to get a bigger stick if it will work. Does anyone know if it will?
Jase Tanner
December 10th, 2008, 11:29 PM
Heard back from Sony. If anyone's interested, yes it does support it. Info at
Sony eSupport - Electronics - Support Information (http://esupport.sony.com/perl/support-info.pl?&info_id=19)
Clark Peters
December 21st, 2008, 08:08 PM
Does anyone have any idea which Sandisk memory sticks are compatible with the D50? I can't find the Sony sticks, but all kinds of Sandisk.
John Newell
December 28th, 2008, 10:08 AM
I had one of the Sony 4gb Pro HG (not HX) cards and recently added a Mark 2 8gb card. I've noticed that the 8gb card formats much, much faster than the HG card, which is a surprised, since the HG card is half the size and would seem to be spec'd as a faster card by Sony. The 4gb HG formats in the D50 in five seconds, compared to two seconds for the 8gb Mark 2. Thoughts?
John Newell
December 28th, 2008, 10:10 AM
Does anyone have any idea which Sandisk memory sticks are compatible with the D50? I can't find the Sony sticks, but all kinds of Sandisk.
Sandisk makes cards that were released at the same time as the Sony Mark 2 cards. If you google a little you should come up with the Sandisk equivalent of the Mark 2 cards.
Clark Peters
December 30th, 2008, 12:46 PM
I did try googling. The results I got were inconclusive, hence my question here.
There doesn't seem to be a direct exchange between Sony and Sandisk. The Sony Pro-HG Duo HX specs at up to 30 MBps, but individual cards are listed at 20 MBps read and 15 MBps write. Sandisk Extreme III (which appear to be the most direct exhange) list read/write of 30 MBps. The Sandisk Ultra II specs at 15 MBps read/write.
The Ultra IIs are half the price of the Extreme IIIs. If I need to buy the more expensive cards I will. I just hate buying more than I really need.
What are other people using?