Alex Sprinkle
December 9th, 2008, 09:24 PM
I shot a wedding Saturday, and most of my editing is done. I have a minor problem though. At the wedding, the Groom walked out to "Hero" by the Foo Fighters. Though, to give enough time for the chorus to hit (and actually say, "There goes my hero..."), they didn't come out until the lyrics started. That's like 25 seconds or so of nothing. No movement, nothing. 2 of my shots are on the door, as I thought he was coming out at the beginning of the song, and the 3rd shot is tight on the center stage. No one else is up there. It's dead. What do I do?
Blake Cavett
December 9th, 2008, 09:35 PM
Edit it the way it looks and sounds best. If the groom was to walk out to the chorus, make it fit!
(Easier said than done, I know...)
Darrin Ward
December 9th, 2008, 10:31 PM
Sounds like a great place for shots of the family and guests!
Tim Harjo
December 9th, 2008, 10:31 PM
Something I do a lot is cut and paste within a song. I would try to let the intro play for a couple seconds, and then see if you can cut right to where the lyrics start. I've been doing this for quite sometime, so I have gotten good at it to where you can't tell there was an edit at all. Try some different layering to get it cut and smooth. Worst case, see if you can just fade in the music right before the lyrics.
Chris Estrella
December 9th, 2008, 11:01 PM
Some suggestions I had in mind, should you choose to accept them...
1) Let the audio of the song lay over some footage that you had before he comes out (so it would look and sound like the song was playing over when it didn't actually play at the wedding, but it'll look better on the video perhaps)
2) If you have the right shots and it looks right in editing, you can maybe pass off some time with some "fake" b-roll footage (ie. shots that didn't actually happen at that time but editing it in to make it look like it did)
3) Leave it as is. Most of my ceremony videos are recorded beginning to end so that in the long version, it plays beginning to end. It plays like a live event, as if you were actually there, as I tell the B&G.
There are probably other ways around it but it's hard to make suggestions without actually seeing what your footage looks like...(and don't take that as a hint to upload it all to youtube hehe)
Alex Sprinkle
December 10th, 2008, 06:46 PM
Thanks guys. I appreciate all your help. Unfortunately, I can't cut the song. He's a huge FF fan, and would know right off the bat. I'm thinking some b-roll might fit well. Thanks.