View Full Version : Company Blog or Site for promotion?
Oleg Kalyan December 9th, 2008, 07:45 AM I see some colleagues use web blogs, others just sites.
I have a site, it's just a random collection of work, to present if someone asks me to see it on the Net.
What do you prefer and why, what's the specific idea behind each, possibly we need both, would like to hear anu input, thinking of doing a Blog, like Live Journal, which is most popular in Russia.
I see Blogspot is popular around the world.
Appreciate any thoughts on subject.
Peter Dunphy December 9th, 2008, 08:20 AM I see some colleagues use web blogs, others just sites.
I have a site, it's just a random collection of work, to present if someone asks me to see it on the Net.
What do you prefer and why, what's the specific idea behind each, possibly we need both, would like to hear anu input, thinking of doing a Blog, like Live Journal, which is most popular in Russia.
I see Blogspot is popular around the world.
Appreciate any thoughts on subject.
I would like to include a link to a blog on my website such as Wordpress. I haven't looked into this in great detail, but my initial concern would be that once a customer goes to your 'Wordpress' or 'Blogspot' blog, they might stay there and get 'side-tracked' rather than return to your site. I'm not sure whether it is possible to include a link on your 3rd party blog that will encourage a customer to easily return to your website?
Richard Wakefield December 9th, 2008, 08:39 AM Peter, i'm not sure that actually is a problem - if a customer likes the stuff they see on your blog, they would have every reason to visit your actual site :)
I'd personally use wordpress over a 3rd party one, just so that it all sits nicely with your site e.g.
Peter Dunphy December 9th, 2008, 09:01 AM Peter, i'm not sure that actually is a problem - if a customer likes the stuff they see on your blog, they would have every reason to visit your actual site :)
I'd personally use wordpress over a 3rd party one, just so that it all sits nicely with your site e.g.
Happy days thanks Richard, I guess they can just click on their browser 'back' button to return to your website should they access my 'Wordpress' blog as a result of initially having visited my website. If they have found the website via the Blog, well that's perfect.
Richard do you know whether is it possible to use Wordpress for free in tandem with your website, or is a subscription necessary?
Richard Wakefield December 9th, 2008, 09:09 AM good IS free to use wordpress but i found using 1and1 as my hosting people, i had to upgrade to the business package to get mySQL (the database functionality which allows having wordpress)
then follow an online tutorial like this:
WordPress Installation - Step by Step WordPress Installation (
and bear in mind i don't understand a thing about databases, mySQL, java, php etc if i can do it, anyone can!
Josh Chesarek December 9th, 2008, 09:14 AM Wordpress is free for use on your own servers.
WordPress › Blog Tool and Publishing Platform (
You have to setup a Data base for it to use but with most hosting solutions that just takes a few clicks and your on your way.
I have developed a plugin to make it easy to put videos on wordpress pages and posts as well :) Simple Thought Productions SFV Plugin (
I use Wordpress as the main site people see. You can actually make a static front page and use pages to make it act as if it was only a website and not a blog. I find this beneficial because its easy to edit. I still use the blog feature as each video or project gets its own post and new stuff stays at the top.
Shaun Conner December 9th, 2008, 09:16 AM You can also create a link on your blog to go back to your website.
Peter Dunphy December 9th, 2008, 09:25 AM good IS free to use wordpress but i found using 1and1 as my hosting people, i had to upgrade to the business package to get mySQL (the database functionality which allows having wordpress)
then follow an online tutorial like this:
WordPress Installation - Step by Step WordPress Installation (
and bear in mind i don't understand a thing about databases, mySQL, java, php etc if i can do it, anyone can!
That's great thanks Richard, as I was planning to use 1 and 1 myself. Really handy. Thanks again.
Oleg Kalyan December 9th, 2008, 02:29 PM Thanks everyone for the input, I'll re phrase the question, do you think that the Blog can replace the website? My observation is that in can to a certain degree. Agree?
Josh Chesarek December 9th, 2008, 03:36 PM To elaborate on what I said earlier, I think it can at least with wordpress. For what it is worth I can only speak for wordpress. Others can probably do the same but I cannot speak for them as I have not used them but I am sure others can chip in.
With wordpress you have the ability to Create pages. Pages are designed to have static content. With these you can put up all the info you want that does not change. I use a page for my contact, services etc. For the things that are constantly updating you can continue to use the categories and blog features. One might keep the latest videos there or news updates etc. Other bonuses are the numerous plugins that are available to do many things automatically for you as well as the numerous themes for different looks. All of which can be modified to suit your needs.
Jason Robinson December 9th, 2008, 04:40 PM Thanks everyone for the input, I'll re phrase the question, do you think that the Blog can replace the website? My observation is that in can to a certain degree. Agree?
I think it depends on the type of clients you want. Modern young brides may be perfectly fine viewing vendors sites via the familiar blog interface. Others might not. like business clients (if you have any or are trying to get any).
Jason Magbanua December 9th, 2008, 07:02 PM Yes a blog can replace a traditional website ...
You devote time to writing and posting entries. It will be totally useless and detrimental if the blog is not updated regularly or full of excuses of how you haven't found time to blog.
Blogging is a task and a chore. Be sure you are up to it for the long run. you have to view it as an essential marketing activity and devote time and effort. Writing can be extremely difficult sometimes and you have to force yourself when these times come.
I've had mine for close to three years. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it is easy. But it pays.
If you are not up to it, maybe you shouldn't (yet).
The blog has contributed in showcasing my work, marketing the business, giving insight to who I am and what we do and most importantly, building my brand.
Matthew Craggs December 10th, 2008, 07:58 AM If you have enough content to keep it updated then a Wordpress site can be easy to maintain and gives people a reason to check back in on a regular basis. But only if you have enough work to put in it. If you're a bride or groom, would you want someone shooting your wedding and they haven't posted any clips for the past couple of months?
Richard Wakefield December 10th, 2008, 08:10 AM in reponse to that Matthew: hopefully the bride would realise you are so popular and in demand, and that is the reason you are finding less and less time to blog :)
maybe you can tell i'm just bitter about my own backlog!
Jason Magbanua December 10th, 2008, 08:37 AM If you have enough content to keep it updated then a Wordpress site can be easy to maintain and gives people a reason to check back in on a regular basis. But only if you have enough work to put in it. If you're a bride or groom, would you want someone shooting your wedding and they haven't posted any clips for the past couple of months?
This is kind of a chicken and egg question. Because, one blogs too to get more work.
There are various ways of course to make writing interesting and not call much attention to the lack of a portfolio.