View Full Version : Production books, magazines & websites?

Dan Uneken
August 31st, 2003, 05:28 AM

Apart from using my XL-1 for making my own productions, I also run a small production/location company in Spain.
I am considering placing some ads in publications in print (such as "Kemps") or on the web (such as "", "Kemps", "Red Box").

Does any of you look in these publications? Where would you look if you needed a local production company to run a show or find locations?



Rob Lohman
September 9th, 2003, 01:31 PM
I think a lot of people go on mouth-mouth ads so to speak..
Otherwise try to find magazines etc. that you would be
interested it that your target audience reads.

Keith Loh
September 9th, 2003, 02:06 PM
I prefer to do all my advertising mouth to mouth.

Dan Uneken
September 10th, 2003, 12:39 PM
Which means, Keith, that you call up your potemtial customers?
The problem with productions that shoot here, is that they are unlikely to shoot here again for a while, because the choose to do so only for productions that require it. So the potential clientele is enormous, and gives little repeat business. That's why it's not very practical to call every European and North American photo / film / TV producer convincing them to come shoot over here.. But we'll start with the most important ones, such as national TV's and fashion magazines...
