View Full Version : Any news on EX3 firmware upgrade?

Andrew Stone
December 6th, 2008, 10:30 AM
It's December 6th and word has been Sony was going to issue a firmware upgrade for the EX3 today. It's suppose to deal with the "focus locking" issue on the EX3.

I have surveyed the Sony support pages and haven't seen anything yet? Does anyone know if this is going to be a user serviceable upgrade?

Kenny Cowburn
December 16th, 2008, 10:41 AM
I just spoke to a girl from SONY Prime Support UK
She said they are expecting the Firmware to come through from Japan any day now and that it will as you say be the fix for the focus issue...

She will call me again when she knows more.

IŽll see what I can find out about the warrantie and if we can upload ourselves.
I for one am not planning to pay for it, as it is a system fault in the first place.

Andrew Stone
December 16th, 2008, 07:35 PM
Thanks for the update Kenny. Looking forward to the final result of your findings and hopefully a toasty warm firmware update patch.